We have Perry Fewell as our D-Coordinator who brought the cover 2 system you have in Chicago. As far as pounding our O-line...you are built the same exact way as our d-line. You have a bunch of 300 pound interior linemen and 265 lb ends with a good staple of backers. The interior of our o-line is susceptible to being pounded by the likes of Pat Williams, Ted Washington, Wilfork etc. With that being said, our O-line still averages 310 up front. Cover 2 front 4's don't "pound" the o-line, they go around them and shoot gaps. Likewise, Losman and the Bills have been practicing against Fewells D since camp so they have seen plenty of 2 deep as well. These are two teams built exactly the same. The question lays in who has the better playmakers?
Losman vs Grossman
McGahee vs Jones
Evans, Price, Reed, Parrish vs Muhammad, Berrian, Davis.
McGee & Clements vs Tillman & Vasher