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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. "Erie County Legislator George A. Holt Jr. pleaded guilty Monday to two misdemeanor violations of New York's tax law, admitting he did not keep accurate records in 2004 and failed to hand over almost $20,000 in sales taxes collected at his Buffalo restaurant. With interest and penalties, he must repay the state $37,600 and expects to do so before his sentencing March 9. " http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20070109/1034333.asp
  2. Tigger should have asked him if he knew what the capitol of Thailand was
  3. Gee that's a shame.....Of course back when the leafs won their cups there were only 6 teams in the league.
  4. If only Willis would hit the holes as hard as his boys do
  5. I just feel bad that the 8 year old girl had to lose her right arm with the transplant and for what? A first round exit.
  6. Neat story, I once Met Bill Cowher when I was fishing on the beach on Lake Ontario during the summer back in like 1993. I was 13 at the time and had just landed a decent lake trout. A guy and his wife were walking the beach and came over to see my fish. We talked for a couple minutes, said his name was Bill and he was on vacation from Pittsburgh. I thought he looked familiar, then I saw him on the news a couple weeks later and was like...wait a minute..that's where I know that guy from.
  7. My Sundays are open now. If I don't have something to do i'll watch the games. Otherwise, I'm outta the house
  8. I've gotten that line too. Makes me laugh. I always ask what the other two calls are for?
  9. I read a report somewhere that Marv and Jauron were very unhappy with the ability to stop the run this season and may be re-evaluating their technique when it comes to playing the run.
  10. I especially like the part about the loaded handgun under a chair in the basement while he has two small children in the house
  11. look at another good aspect of all this...Saban didn't let his assistants talk to the media. If retained, we get to hear the Miami media rip MM a new one after games this season.
  12. Think of all the cows were spared with just that brief 10 hour interruption...
  13. I don't understand the assumptions being made here. He was at an organized party put together by players from the Nuggets and Broncos and hosted by players by both teams for Kenyon Martins birthday. Some Bills players did the same thing for McGahee last year in downtown Buffalo. The young man was killed, on New Years. He didn't deserve to die, what else is there to debate.
  14. Your opinion is taken as gospel as far as I'm concerned on this subject
  15. I shortened it up.
  16. When he's on with Schopp and the Bulldog it's like the triumvirate of idiocy. Those three get together, combine their powers, and I lose 15,000 brain cells in a single sitting. Of course I kept coming back for more so...
  17. I wish the Bills had kept Edwards around. When he wasn't hurt, he was a good player in the middle.
  18. If the Sabres had piled off the bench, we'd be talking about Lindy serving a suspension, and a multitude of suspensions. If Peters leaves the bench, Nashville players leave the bench. With a salary cap situation already stretched to its limits the Sabres can't afford to call up 5 guys to cover for suspensions.
  19. The St. Louis Rams game is also blacked out
  20. I was just as ready to jump through the TV and strangle Nichol as you were. But you absolutely cannot send guys off the bench in that instance. You just can't do it.
  21. I agree....if there was ever a line incapable of responding to an incident like that, its Briere Poms Hecht. That was really one of the worst things I have seen while watching a game in any sport.
  22. Here's the link for you poor souls in the 80 degree heat http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/recap?gameId=261221027
  23. I enjoyed Long Island Phil. His quips were amusing and in good humor. This fresh batch of mutants that rolled in. I'm not sure I come off that unimaginative and witless at my own funeral.
  24. That talking Heifer should stick to things she can't get debated on, such as creme filling, poor ratings, and strap ons.
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