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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. I do. It's a 6 person Jacuzzi. A friends parents had bought one 5 years ago for use in their florida room. They used it about 5 times and that was it. They wanted to re-do the room and didn't want the hot tub any more. They said $200 and you move it and its yours. I didn't have to think very hard about it.
  2. ""How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" By John Amechi
  3. Ok, lets get a few things out of the way. Yes, he is old. Yes, he held a lot. However, Yes, he played at a high level for the Bears this season. Yes he is a free agent. Yes he still loves Buffalo and holds high regard for those that are here now. The question is, would you want Ruben back so he could play LG for a season or two while developing a LG for the future? Plus, he could retire a Bill. I know we all wanted to run him out of town when he was here for his play, but in retrospect, the pile of excrement we have had at LG for the last several seasons makes it seem like Ruben really wasn't all that bad for us after all. Just a question to discuss. I'm not sure what my opinion is on it either.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. I guess it's a good thing I didn't start the "Who Else Loves Velvet" thread I was going to do this morning.
  6. I thought this was VA's favorite player: The Player
  7. Woops, does that double my odds now???? Damn!!
  8. I'll wait for post 11
  9. It's called the offseason cuz. And the thread is on Peters and Light. If you have spent all your energy talking about Peters already, that is fine, just don't post in a Jason Peters thread. Go back to staring at shiny objects.
  10. It has nothing to do with the pro bowl. He said prove to me Light is better than Peters. He didn't say prove to me why he should be in the pro bowl. I appreciate you sticking up for the lad, but next time come with something more. If you like, you can come over too and I'll put a hooked on phonics tape on in the other room and you can update us with your progress.
  11. Sure I can. How about you come on over one night, I'll buy some Faygo and have the woman whip up some Spam. You and I can sit down in the living room and we can break down film. Then, you can come back on here, compliment me on my Faygo and Spam and discuss how you now realize Jason Peters is better than Matt Light.
  12. Button up and put an extra pair of socks on, can't have you getting sick on us.
  13. Crayonz already landed some and the bait wasn't there very long. I think he's at his limit for the day already.
  14. Pumpkins, Green Beans, and Tomatos.
  15. You'd think he could scrap together a couple grand to have a cavalier or something on hand to drive in bad weather, or to go places you don't want the vette to go. I'm rompin around in my Dodge Stratus I've had since '97 cuz my summer car won't make it to the end of the driveway in the winter. Plus, you don't want salt getting into a nice car like a corvette.
  16. Golisano is an Arabian prince who has fled war torn Rochester. He has upwards of $3 Billion in assets but no place to keep them. He just needs all our account numbers to help store the money and we can get a %33 cut for our assistance.
  17. Silent post for Mike Williams' career in Tampa
  18. we should all be so lucky to go out with such flair
  19. It smells unpleasant in my office. It may have wafted across the Atlantic.
  20. I think that rings true for many, but not all. You and I may think that way, but we don't have gold front teeth either. Well i've never seen you but your posts don't lend me to think you do anyway. All athletes strive for greatness when they begin their athletic careers, and some remain consumed with championships. However, Along the way, business skews that vision for some. While Edge may think winning a superbowl would have been nice, from the public perception of the guy, it seems Benjamin green is sweeter than Lombardi silver.
  21. I think this quote really speaks to what we see with a lot of the radical extremists. He compares women with meat and the men as cats. Following his logic, if its there to be taken you take it. Cats are instinctive animals that do not rationalize right or wrong. I take it his followers are the same. It's truly disturbing to see a leader consider that normal. It's scary that he has so many followers.
  22. As tight ends coach, his first duties will be to cut all the tight ends. He says that, building off of what he has already accomplished in his coaching career, he sees no need for an offense to have a tight end.
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