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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. He launched that kid. I sure hope there was a beat down seconds after he did that. If he threw my kid like that (if I had a kid) there would be huge issues.
  2. And that, is the front runner for the best point of the day award.
  3. But he manhandled Krumrie.....
  4. His deep ball ability went away pretty fast. He was dangerous deep for only the first couple years. Solid receiver, but def no touchdown machine.
  5. I'd just wait for spring
  6. Kind of interesting too: His 24 career touchdowns are already just about half of Moulds career totals. He is a good one.
  7. I was thinking about the cash to the cap idea. It's basically the same thing as saying: I went to a dealership and picked out a $30,000 car. After rebates, it cost me $22,000. But in my budget, i'm counting it as $30,000 Kinda Sucks
  8. The equipment used to tow the planes froze to the ground Funny, I don't ever recall my car freezing to the ground and we've had worse weather than that.
  9. Can't wait to hear Schopp on this one. Caller: What do you guys think about Marv's comments this morning Schopp: Well to be honest, I didn't listen or pay much attention. But if I did, it was probably something about how he thinks the team is good and only needs tweaking. Getting back to my original point, I was watching re-runs of different strokes the other day, NOW THAT WAS AN UNDERRATED SHOW.
  10. You forgot to tell him not to call until after 10 am because Carwell is a late riser. He likes strawberries on his cheerios and goes for a jog at 1130
  11. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  12. POSTED: 7:42 a.m. EST, February 16, 2007 BUFFALO, New York (AP) -- Buffalo Bills General Manager Marv Levy has called a morning press conference to discuss several issues. It is being reported that the team, to the chagrin of it's fanbase, will be returning the playing surface at Ralph Wilson Stadium to it's early 90's color scheme. There has been much clamoring for the team to return to red end zones and the team is reacting accordingly. In an effort to re-connect with a community that failed to sell out late in the season, Levy will also unveil that beer prices have been slashed 94%. Levy will also announce that RB Willis McGahee has been traded to the Toronto Argonauts in exchange for a player to be named later. When pressed on this issue, Marv said "He loves Toronto so much, so we made it happen". The parking lots will now open on Friday for all home games, and the team will be removing Fred Smerlas from the wall of fame. Lastly, Levy said, the team has filed he necessary paperwork with the league to abolish the current uniforms and revert back to the 1990's scheme. ---------------
  13. I heard a myth that show was going to be cancelled. Unfortunately, the myth was busted.
  14. Happy Birthday Hunter as well
  15. Not married but longtime GF, I'll even forgo the sarcasm for this one. Bought crab legs, a nice bottle of wine, and some tiramisu for after.
  16. The real reason Tiki retired
  17. 82 and sunny. (I'm in denial)
  18. He contributed to that ring as much as you or I did
  19. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17123690?GT1=9033
  20. Willis has a baby momma in Dallas. That's too close for comfort. No way he'd go for that.
  21. Gotta start top to bottom.
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