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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. Very cool, thank you for that. I've had my shoulder done before but never a knee so I wasn't sure who to recommend.
  2. My girlfriend messed her knee up while jogging and needs to go to a knee doctor. Does anyone have any good knee doctors in Buffalo they could recommend?
  3. Turns out it was a chipmunk all along
  4. I'd rather have a guy who will take your head off, give some time to charity, not take for granted what he has, and embrace the fans. That is what you get with Willis.
  5. It's a huge chicken or the egg type of argument. In order to have a bustling downtown corridor, you need people. In order to get people, you need critical mass. In order to obtain critical mass, you need to create an environment that can support it. There is a burgeoning trend towards redeveloping old infrastructure into residential downtown housing. You need to give people a reason to go downtown for their needs or wants, and you need them to spend money downtown for it to grow. This is a big deal.
  6. It provides the anchor tenant for the proposed harbor development. Development spurs more development. This is significant because as opposed to the renderings and visions from before, this has binding paperwork attached to it.
  7. If those tards think they are getting the 2003 Takeo Spikes in the deal, they need to switch to the lead free paint chips. Anyway, it matters not. We remedied a situation, they remedied a situation, who cares.
  8. Don Beebe now coaches varsity football at Aurora Christian High School. Aurora CHRISTIAN High School. You can add antisemite to the growing list...
  9. Where to begin, It was the mediocre of times, it was the worst of times. You knew what you wanted, and by god you went for it. You were a man who stood behind your theory that fly patterns and flea flickers got the girls, but slants and dump-offs got the wins. You didn't let a little thing like 3rd and 11 distract you from Daimon Shelton standing in the flat. So today we bid adieu to you, Mr. Kelly Holcomb and wish you the best as you embark on your journey to Philadelphia. We know that you will never be far from our hearts in Buffalo, only 388 short miles to Philadelphia, or just 409,728 quick 5 yard passes
  10. I'm not here to try to bag on you, but your points about Chippewa and Buffalo Bars are not coming from a position of knowledge. The Chippewa strip is open until 4 in the morning. In the Summer, there is a literal throng of people roaming the couple blocks of this section. As for the Bars, Diablo, Coles, Skybar, whatever, you name it in that area and its open late.
  11. If the public is finding out about this now, they the club knew about this a long time ago. Good, he's gone, turn the page. The thing that shines the brightest from all his comments is just how lacking in character he really is. Character is being the same person, through thick and thin. If Willis can't look around him, with a fat wallet, and find something to do, then he is simple, and will always be simple. If he has to depend on others to control his fun, then he obviously cannot control other aspects of his life. Go to Baltimore, let Reed and Lewis Shepard you around, oogle at the lights, talk about the U, and have fun. You don't get it, you don't get Buffalo, have fun being a lemming.
  12. I ruptured my sac when I was 7. I hit a bump on my huffy and landed on the middle bar.
  13. That's just a beat writer thinking he knows what teams have holes. He is still examining the Losman of 2005 and thinking, "hey the Bills don't have a qb, they might want in". No chance Carr comes here.
  14. Cieslak was getting a lot of pub last offseason too for his dedication, weight training, and practice performance. Only time we saw him was when Shelton couldn't see straight.
  15. I think the good folks at Lockheed Martin would take offense to your highly volatile aircraft sentiment. Think of it this way: Major corporations spend millions of dollars a year on public relations and advertising. If the military wants to connect with the public and attract next generations pilots, it needs to spread good will to the public it serves. These displays do just that.
  16. Yea, I think you are. PS the Thunderbirds are coming to Niagara Falls this year too. I'll check that out.
  17. You're going well in your campaign. So far, you've secured your vote, and you're a front-runner with the lesbians as well.
  18. I think I just witnessed a message board filibuster
  19. But the WLB is a huge question mark
  20. We will have to order another truckload of raspberry flavored windows Just kidding
  21. Very sorry for your loss. Last October I had to put my dog to sleep. She was 19, I had her since I was 6. She was spunky up until 3 months before we had to put her down. It's the hardest thing in the world to do. She was a great dog, loyal, smart, and loving. She always would lay under a willow tree in the summer time, so that is where I buried her.
  22. Is your buddy that press secretary guy from Iraq who kept telling reporters that the Americans were no where near baghdad as the US tanks were rolling by?
  23. It's not Bruce and Holt. It's the vagisitis. If he feels that Curtis has that much value, then tell him you've got a 1989 ford escort you can let him have for only $20,000. If he is going to overvalue pieces of crap, you may as well make some coin off the deal.
  24. It's weird. I don't have my computer speakers on here at work, yet when I scrolled over this post a loud "whoooosh" from that joke rocketing over LSI's head came from my computer.
  25. 5 Wide means you've thrown caution into the wind and are just playing balls to the wall to win. In College baseball, we used the term when it was go time. Cuz when you're 5 wide, there's no help or protection, you just gotta make it happen.
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