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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. Jason Peters would dominate Bull Fighting
  2. One who practices outdoors sometimes, one who doesn't look like a deer in the headlights when its decision time, one who can throw a challenge flag so one of the 7 referees can see it..........................
  3. Barry Melrose
  4. That's Horrible by the Bills, I got to the gate at 7:40
  5. The situation was ridiculous. It was just a massive wall of people. If you didn't keep your arms up, you were in trouble. My Girlfriend is 2 months off knee surgery, just got rid of the crutch last week and was really excited to be able to walk (albeit slowly) through the lot and into the game. We were both pinned in this mess, and we became separated as she tried to make her way to the Womans side. When I finally got though, she was leaning against the wall in a lot of pain b/c of the pressure of all the people pushing, and her leg being twisted awkwardly in the fray. Somebody needs to be held accountable for this. I have gone to 4 or 5 games a year for the last 11 years, after what happened with the gate, i'm content to watch it from the couch.
  6. Jim Kelly once threw three interceptions in the first half of MNF. Only difference is, he manned up and threw 5 TD's in the 2nd half. This Bills team takes on the identity of their HC. I have not been overly critical of Jauron in the past b/c I felt with his intelligence and steady hand, maybe the team could make strides. I am at the breaking point of seeing enough. Sometimes you just gotta rally the troops and have em go raise hell out there. When you don't have enough emotion or conviction to chuck a challenge flag in a spot where a ref can see it, it's time for your estate to pull the plug, because you're never coming out of that coma. At least a guy like Kelly would have embedded the red flag in the back of the Ref's skull. Football is meant to ride on emotion, and it's meant to go for the jugular when the other team is down. Kelly might not be the right man for the job, but he sure as hell wouldn't let someone come into Ralph Wilson Stadium and push the Bills around. He might not outgun Belichick, but his boys also wouldn't be afraid to ride into Foxboro. I'm just tired of seeing the fight taken to us, I want to see Buffalo take the first swing.
  7. All you ever hear about is how running backs need 5 or 6 carries to get in a rhythm. With our RB's swapping every series, that has to make it hard to get a feel for the game.
  8. Here's part of our o-line http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd91/ba...dio/redneck.jpg
  9. At least they are intelligent and eloquent enough to describe in detail how they got beat in every facet of the game
  10. Couldn't agree with this topic more. Nobody responds, no body hits, instead of taking the hit to ball carrier, they grab and try to hold on
  11. Dude could jump over a pile, he made it an artform
  12. I saw John Randle rip a phone book in half too, you sign em, I'll get the jersey
  13. Maybe he is starting to hit a wall.....he is getting older and he is a speed rusher.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1sKsON2aQ4
  14. The Fowler/Butler combo does continue to not impress.....
  15. He says it's only a few plays every week that he wishes he could have back....however when those plays result in TE getting planted. i'd say those were important ones........... Chris Long made him look like a steaming pile of dog crap on one inside move
  16. I am Gabe Northern
  17. If you watch the lower left side of the screen whenever Mort is on Sportscenter, you can actually see him shaking his magic 8 ball as the questions are being asked
  18. 1st game: Seahawks lose almost anyone who can catch 2nd game: Jags lose almost anyone who can block 3rd game: Raiders lose almost anyone who can run (WGR reported that Justin Fargas has an injured groin that will keep him out, and McFadden got turf toe late in the game and didn't return) I'd say Timmy is up there pulling some strings for us
  19. Allow me to clarify my sarcasm then, For the 1st year and a half, the stiff arm was his signature move. After that, it virtually belonged on a milk carton
  20. Willis hasn't stiff armed an opposing defender in 3 years..... now baby's mommas.....thats a whole different story
  21. You can't feed your family with DUI convictions either
  22. They will have to work out a trade with Tampa then, although I do hear they are losing faith in him
  23. Williams looks the same to me... he was never a pillar of fitness when he was here. Man still had a lot of football in him when he left here
  24. I'm not going to lie, I loved the guy from the beginning when he was an UFA coming in as a tight end. I remember watching this huge guy hauling A** down the field and destroying the wedge on a kickoff and thinking, "holy crap that's some athlete". This whole ordeal has made me really consider my man crush on Peters. Jason, if you're reading this, just go out and annihilate Wilforks knee when you visit NE and we will be good as new
  25. A seagull crapped on my shoulder yesterday, and by all accounts, that's supposed to be good luck. I think this move will work out
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