Jim Kelly once threw three interceptions in the first half of MNF. Only difference is, he manned up and threw 5 TD's in the 2nd half. This Bills team takes on the identity of their HC. I have not been overly critical of Jauron in the past b/c I felt with his intelligence and steady hand, maybe the team could make strides. I am at the breaking point of seeing enough. Sometimes you just gotta rally the troops and have em go raise hell out there. When you don't have enough emotion or conviction to chuck a challenge flag in a spot where a ref can see it, it's time for your estate to pull the plug, because you're never coming out of that coma. At least a guy like Kelly would have embedded the red flag in the back of the Ref's skull. Football is meant to ride on emotion, and it's meant to go for the jugular when the other team is down. Kelly might not be the right man for the job, but he sure as hell wouldn't let someone come into Ralph Wilson Stadium and push the Bills around. He might not outgun Belichick, but his boys also wouldn't be afraid to ride into Foxboro. I'm just tired of seeing the fight taken to us, I want to see Buffalo take the first swing.