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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. Vote from 100 Cheerleaders Nice scenery for a cold winter day
  2. Well played
  3. It's funny because I have always mocked the obscure boundary with which "real life" and the "online world" are separated. We all watch the Bills, post our thoughts, mock trolls (while occasionally taking the bait when emotion or boredom dilute our senses) and then go on about our lives. We all have our Monikers that are as close to an alter ego as it gets, and we interact with other monikers who are doing the same thing, almost ignoring the real person that pilots the keyboard. Then the real world has the audacity to invade our cyber community, melting away the aliases and uncloaking us all as to who we really are. I've never met John, I've never had the fortune to have a real conversation with him, I could pass him on the street and have no sense that Beerball and I just crossed paths. But at moments like this, our world is put into focus. I find myself checking this thread constantly for updates on a man I don't know personally, but whose absence would create a discernible void for all of us. I guess that's just a long winded way of saying John, you are in my prayers, fight hard, be strong, and god bless.
  4. Anyone know what his favorite beer is? That will be my only drink of choice for this Friday night.... (please god someone better not say Strohs)
  5. Someone in the limo took one for the team... and it wasn't blocking a shot
  6. "I'll come with you if my friend Marge can come too"
  7. Jeff George is trying to make a comeback, solid veteran QB with a big arm. It would be foolish not to.
  8. The Average Bills ticket is $51.00 If you think the key to keeping a healthy franchise is ticket revenue, then you are highly mistaken. Gameday at the Ralph is like a tradeshow for a major corporation. Merchandising, Licensing, and advertising partnerships coupled with television revenue and other ancillary revenue sources are the lifeblood for these teams. Not charging 72,000 people $10 more at the gate
  9. Very Well Put Sir..... if he takes shots at other organizations out in the open about poor players, I don't think he is going to pull any punches behind closed doors about his own. Much needed.
  10. Prayers are with you Beer Sphere.....
  11. Good move by the Bills..... I wanted to see Bob Sanders stick around too....
  12. Good to see another home grown talent going big... I hope his health can hold out. On a side note, its weird to see a kid with a birthday of 1989 going into the league, he was born the year of the bickering Bills..... makes me feel old
  13. If you don't want something commented on, don't make the comment to begin with..... but I digress.... Campbell is the pick.
  14. What's with the joined date and post count infatuation?
  15. Langston Walker was also pretty slow, and pretty soft....
  16. I'm sure you would have accomplished many great things in those few minutes as well.... i apologize.
  17. Found this video shot in downtown B-Lo... thought it was pretty funny Making People Love Chan
  18. Exactly... ESPN PAYS THE AP. They also do attribute the info to the AP... I'm sure ESPN's check clearing each month soothes the writers who don't get the byline.
  19. That he is un-nasty in the 4-3????
  20. 7) Dan Marino TD- 420 Interceptions- 252 Yards- 61,361 QB Rating- 86.4 Rushing Yards- 87 Rushing TD- 9 How did Marino only have 87 rushing yards in his career? I know he wasn't mobile, but 87 yards total?
  21. Your a$$ or a hole in the ground, what's the difference?
  22. You get 30,000 students together and there's going to be some lookers in the bunch
  23. I actually think getting shot would be less painful
  24. I've seen a bunch of Ed Reed highlights where he turns a tipped ball into a pick 6. Conversly, I never see Whitner get his hands on a tipped ball. It's instincts and being in the right spot.
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