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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. You have to make it fun. Very Very basic fundamentals, but then mix in things where they just get to be boys. Teaching them to not be afraid of the ball is rule #1. After that, only get into the basics of throwing motions, like point your shoulder and step in the direction you want to throw. Glove orientation is important on catching b/c most just want to catch with the pocket of the glove facing the sky. One thing we did was we had a big thick gymnastics mat. After 15 minutes of fundamentals, we would practice our "diving catches" onto the mat and lob a sponge ball to make them dive onto the mat to try and catch it.
  2. (rimshot) Nicely played
  3. That scout sounds like he has little man's syndrome. Calling a Hall of Fame QB a "Clown" reeks of jealousy. Jimbo might not be the most astute evaluator of talent, but i think he has the credibility to at least comment on the situation.
  4. Johnson's country store in lockport does C02 refills for paintball.... they might be able to help you out
  5. Nice weather this weekend, make sure you stop down at Water St. Landing for a few... and Pizze Junction... meh. Gotta keep it in Lewiston with Vincenzos.
  6. If you can have an inch or two of fresh topsoil down, just shake seed liberally onto the dirt. Turn a leaf rake upside down and rake over it a few times to work the seed in. Then just cover it with some peat moss and make sure it stays damp at all times. Should see sprouts within 5 days.
  7. Played for the first time yesterday, wearing shorts in Buffalo on April 1st was awesome. Shot an 85, pretty happy with that for not touching a club since October.
  8. PFT is speculating that Lynch's agent may be quietly seeking a trade however http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/.../lynch-nix/2265
  9. Golisano wins tax battle Assessments are a Bi*** I watch all the house hunters shows on HGTV and these people are buying $400,000 homes, and I think to myself, how the hell does a mid 20's couple afford a $400,000 place. Then when they break down the actual payments, it's not much more than what we pay for houses in the $190's Property tax in WNY is completely out of hand.
  10. No, it's his inability to make a play. Ok line sucks, guess what, other QB's make plays in the face of pressure. It's his unwillingness to throw into tight areas. If he manned up and played the game with a little bit of recklessness and took some chances, then he would have the credibility that we wouldn't bash his comments. But he plays like he speaks and he speaks like he plays. With a fresh start being out from underneath the emotionless umbrella that Jauron forced on this team, he had the opportunity to say FTW it's game time now. Unfortunately, all we got were more careful, tempered comments.
  11. Going to great lengths to twist his words and bash him? It's a direct quote. If you consider copy and paste a lot of effort, then I pity you.
  12. I guess the reason I started this thread is the following: Edwards went from a promising rookie to a watered down deer in the headlights afraid to make a mistake. He hadn't spoke to the media since November, and now with the house cleaning that just happened at OBD, I was hoping for a refreshed take from the guy. Unfortunately, to me, it seemed like the same type of answers/attitude we saw last year.
  13. No Hambone, I'm bashing him for being the same monotone cliche machine, and for all the things to focus on improving from 2009, he chose his ability to stay healthy.
  14. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/201...nt-on-2010.html "I think first and foremost I needed to stay healthy. I think I took some hits I probably should have tried to avoid. There were some games that didn’t go the way we needed to. The ball didn’t bounce our way. There were plays left out on the field. It’s tough. Football’s a team sport. Obviously the quarterback’s the one they’re going to look at to put the blame on. Obviously I was that person that took a lot of the blame last year and rightfully so. I can definitely take that. Looking back on it injuries were something I needed to change and hopefully I can physically maintain myself next year." Yup.. Injuries were all he needed to change last year.....
  15. "Kelly has been a vocal supporter of Tebow and has made it little secret he'd like to see the team draft him." I would ascertain from that statement that Kelly would want Tebow for his football abilities. He wouldn't want him if he didn't think they could win with him. Not saying I think Tebow will or won't be a winner, but it seems clear that Kelly likes the kid and would want him on the team.
  16. Well at least you aren't self important......You either need a few beers or to get laid.....most likely, both.
  17. Fixed that for you... In all seriousness though.... nice post
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ is right Microfracture surgery http://www.laramieboomerang.com/articles/2...bd113310436.txt
  19. Leaf gets 10 years probation Just another chapter in this guys tremendous fall from grace
  20. That is true, but I would still rather have McGee on the field as opposed to Youboty, Lankster, or Corner.
  21. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3...91-40902aee79b6 That's a lot to come back from. Sounds like the atrophy is a big deal at this point. Hopefully he comes back to 100% by the start of the season.
  22. and the fuse has been lit.......
  23. I generally don't like piling on, but I have to agree with everyone else.... pretty Sh***y thing to say. If 10,000 people show up for anything, it's not really a "So-Called" event, i'd say it's legit.
  24. Def either a fullback or a safety....... it's what happens
  25. I think Williams can play end in the new scheme. Like Simon said, he would look horrible at the combine, but there were quite a few plays that I remember Williams making tackles near the sideline after scraping down the line. With 3 down linemen over 300 lbs, that is more beef to contend with for sure.
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