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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. only 1/5 of the top 5 DB's are inexperienced. Gimlore, Robey, Graham, and Williams are all vets.
  2. Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interested to see what Greg Roman has in store, and how Tyrod plays with live bullets flying. The indy defense is a great matchup to start with. I am actually not very optimistic about the Bills D locking down the Indy O, mostly through the air. I guess we will see how much Rex can scheme up a game plan with how much protection he can give Darby. I think it will be something like 31-24 Bills.
  3. I dunno... i mean all this money is outrageous, but Dareus seems like the light went on for him and he was committed. His Rookie deal was 20 mm guaranteed, if he was truly lazy, wouldn't his true colors show with that 20mm... I am basing that off the fact that if i made 20 mil, i would retire to some place under a palm tree and live out my days with a rum drink in hand.
  4. Goodell as the arbitrator is something was was collectively bargained for an explicitly included in the latest CBA. Impartial or not, he was granted authority by the NFLPA to act in the manner in which he did for the Deflategate ruling.
  5. I think that Lesean McCoy should wear 34 this year
  6. Indeed. I could see Seantrel Henderson swinging inside to guard.
  7. Schopp was acting like a guy who got bullied when he was younger, and the Incognito situation and signing hits close to home for him.
  8. If i were the guy in charge, i would bulldoze the perry st. projects and re-route the street grid in that area.
  9. and to dress like a tarp for home games
  10. Live look at Marrone coaching up proper blocking techniques
  11. How pathetic does Marrone look for having the "Asst. Head Coach" thrown in there. Dude is an oline coach.
  12. If he is as power hungry as they say, the real burn will be him not having the big office with the jags and moving back to an assistant role
  13. They most likely did. I'm glad they listened to you on that. On the other end of the spectrum, this tweet of mine went completely ignored with bad results 5 wide @ 5 Wide December 6, 1941 Hey @PearlHarbor.... just a heads up, I think the Japanese are up to something. Keep an eye out.
  14. I like that Donnie Henderson is staying on as well. I think that's big, the Secondary has been a strength.
  15. Not for nothing, everything you just wrote is your own commentary on how you view the situation. It is not fact, but opinion, essentially you seeing what you want to see as well.
  16. He can pull up a chair to Turner Gill's table and they can reminisce about the good ol days.
  17. If i was them, i'd be looking at the current temps of 17F in Buffalo and would be turning that Jet south. I'm sure they can all go over their notes just as well in Key West as you can in Buffalo. Man I could go for some Conch Fritters and a rum runner right now.
  18. Dang it Jerry, what did you do now?
  19. I agree there is 0% chance Hackett is retained with the next staff, just a bit eye opening to see confirmation that our Whipping boy didn't deserve so many of the lashes.
  20. I'm just not convinced Brandon will be able to keep his fingers out of the football operations. It's being reported that Mike Shanahan is on the coaching interview list because Russ really likes Shanahan. That doesn't exactly sound like complete separation of Church and State.
  21. Listening to Fred Jackson this morning, it seems that he just answered a question so many of us were wondering throughout the year, was the mundane, predictable playcalling more the fault of Hackett, or Marrone? WGR 550 ‏@WGR550 4m4 minutes ago Jackson: Nate Hackett has always been an aggressive guy...he couldn't always do what he wanted to. Some of the stuff he wanted to call didn't get called in the game" This doesn't completely clear Hackett, but it shows who was really pulling the strings on offense.
  22. He may be a curmudgeon, but he's a curmudgeon with sources and actually seems to be connected. I'll take that over someone just regurgitating the work of others.
  23. Talking about TE.... I wonder if Marqueis Gray has the chance to develop into something the Bills haven't had. He looks like an athletic receiving option.
  24. OK, I don't take it literally as 7 qbs, but taking one or 2 qbs every year until you have one is not absurd... At least to me. It makes more sense then taking one and waiting 2 years to see, then taking another.
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