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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. the 1st of December everything goes up. I hate taking it all down, and I love the soft lighting from the tree and decorations so it usually doesn't come down until late January.
  2. I'd like to see Moore and Merriman keep their rotation. I've seen enough of Kelsay getting thoroughly abused on bootlegs for my lifetime.
  3. My heart is with you. King was born into this world and needed someone. You were the one and gave him the life he deserved. Im sure he knew that and you were both lucky to find eachother. A dog can't live as long as us and its a cruel reality, but they are a blessing in our lives.
  4. He hits the net from 50 in warm ups all the time. Its Chan's head thats weak, not lindells leg.
  5. Thanks for the report Nick! For everyone else who derailed the thread, try breathing through your nose some time.
  6. she never reminded me of the smartest woman in the room. A lot of her public comments are brash and self centered. Doesn't surprise me her bad choices follow her into other avenues of her life.
  7. Well Bob, now that everyone has access to game film like this, all us armchair qb's get to see what those professionals get to look at. I can't speak for everyone but it actually took me about 5 seconds to see what transpired with the play, and it actually just confirmed what I saw live. Now I'm not saying it didn't take others a couple hours of close examination, I'm only saying it didn't Take me that long. Of course I also didn't have those big scary lineman trying to decapitate me either.
  8. I honestly was expecting earlier than that.
  9. Stevie was not open. He was doubled with the safety sitting there waiting to break up anything going to the back corner. Graham may have been open had he read the right route, but he never should have been in that position to begin with. Spiller gets to at least the 5 with a throw to him. 28 seconds is enough time to clock it or get another play off.
  10. This coaching staff is really starting to drive me nuts. They don't use spiller enough because "the personnel packages and gameplan don't allow it". They don't go to their best players in the clutch because for whatever reason. They really make football harder than it needs to be. I know the NFL is complex, but these guys over think and constantly outsmart themselves.
  11. Gailey must have known that Belichick has cameras in the Bills field house, so he ran a play they never ran in practice with Graham trying to catch the Pats off guard.
  12. Not me, a cheap shot player on a horrible defense. The NE defense is almost as bad as the Bills, and Spikes is not a solution to their problem.
  13. If you base the area you live in on the quality of the resident professional sports team, then you are not very bright.
  14. The bar top is 3/4" plywood, butted together. I have two 2x4's underneath screwed in to keep it together where it meets. For the actual top, I ripped 1" thick planks of pine into 1.25" pieces, and tacked them in place which locked the whole top together. Used a propane torch to age the wood for effect. To coat it, I used famowood 2 part epoxy. It took a gallon to coat, and honestly, it probably needs another gallon to give the total smooth glass top look. The epoxy is self leveling which is nice, but its also a bit of a pain to get all the air bubbles out of and keep any dust/flies out of while it cures.
  15. I just did a project like this over the summer.... except outside. Ripped out an old deck, poured a stamped concrete patio, covered it and put a bar in. It's an L shaped, framed with 2x4, covered with plywood and then did cultured stone over it. I'd say in all, I have about $800 into the actual bar itself. I have a mini fridge and wine cooler in the backside. We entertain a lot in the summer so its great, plus with the TV out there now, I sit out there all the time in the summer, have dinner etc. Let me know if you have any questions I might be able to help with.
  16. Here's Bailey the Cockapoo. She's 30 pounds of fury and has the squirrels in my backyard on notice.
  17. If we're going by that criteria then I found the article not in the mood and it should just go to sleep
  18. Its a shame they pulled McGee off Kick Returns. Early in his career he as absolutely dynamic bringing the ball back.
  19. Routt coming in for CB depth?
  20. Every year drafting in the 9-12 range is just enough to miss elite skill position talent. 13 years of futility and counting, its like death by a 1000 papercuts
  21. When people ask where you are from, and then have a sarcastic response like "oh i'm sorry to hear that" I just laugh. It's all what you are looking for in life. If you want clubs and beaches, you're not living in Buffalo. Jobs? I've never had a problem finding a job in the area, and neither has my wife. The summers are great, full of festivals, concerts, I've got a boat and love the world class bass and walleye fishing on Lake Erie and the world class Salmon and Trout fishing on Lake Ontario. The autumns are beautiful and I love the 50 degree temperatures. In the winter, I ski and snowmobile. I will say March is a pretty terrible month, but that's what vacations are for. There are some great opportunities if you're looking to be a homeowner too. If this area is not what you are looking for, I can live with that. But to say there is nothing to do, you're either a sheep, or just don't apply yourself.
  22. Makes sense....he has to be up to speed, i'm pretty sure everyone who has watched any of the Bills has their defensive scheme figured out.
  23. The brick didn't even have an HDMI output
  24. They should have kept that private, good thing they were deleted
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