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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. Goodwin should be good to go for the Bengals game. Unproven rookie, but its another weapon in the aresenal for use.
  2. Have to disagree. Line drive punts, at least one shank a game, when they need him most, he drops one 31 yards out of bounds or boots a touchback.
  3. He threw a touchdown pass for the Browns
  4. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/press-coverage/2013/10/jairus-byrd-wanted-to-play-but-doug-marrone-kept-him-out.html
  5. The knee looked hyperextended on the play and the leg was waving in the breeze as he was going down. To me it looked pretty bad. I hope i'm wrong.
  6. Good article from Pro Football Focus on Kiko https://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2013/10/04/analysis-notebook-tnf-week-5/
  7. Very good points. Having the full secondary back should open up Pettine's playbook as well.
  8. After 6 weeks of being with the team, Byrd has to know all the calls by now. As I see it, there are two options as to what went on here: 1) with 10 days until the next game, they are being cautious and want to get Byrd a full regular week of preparation before his first live action 2) Organizationally, the Bills know Byrd is playing a game and decide to fire back and sit him from a Nationally televised game.
  9. I wonder if Hackett knows you don't always have to use 3 downs in a series
  10. Is Hackett the wannsdedt of offense?
  11. Byrd inactive........ Talk amongst yourselves
  12. Wingo is still on the practice squad, has not been elevated to the roster. Likely a sign CJ is going to play tonight. Byrd and McKelvin working out for trainers before the game http://instagram.com/p/fBNP-sw2Ma/#
  13. Lol simply awesome....and accurate
  14. Just glad Whitner isn't on the Bills anymore.
  15. Great point by Beerball...... the cure for PF is rest, and Ice. It's a management condition. I dealt with it in college too. It sucks when you get up in the morning, and flares up when you start to tighten up. Once you're loose, you're good to go. That being said, with a 6 month offseason and access to the best medical treatment and rehab available, it shouldn't have been much of an issue to start the year.
  16. Kiko was voted captain of the Buffalo Sabres
  17. Kiko intercepts emails from the NSA
  18. I have no idea... Hackett is the same guy running Spiller into the pile 7 times in a preseason game so I have no illusions about his preservation instincts for his players. It does seem like Hackett likes bring all the big uglies into the middle and going 3-4 yards and a cloud of dust. I'd like to see him utilize his athletes to get them in space a bit more, but that hasn't happened much so far.
  19. I'm pretty sure I can guarantee you're not funny.
  20. One would think with the amount of turnovers this defense is generating, that Byrd would want to get in on the party.
  21. I do miss Chan using the spread to run the ball. Hackett loves bringing in jumbo packages for short yardage and its not working very well.
  22. My thoughts: 1) EJ is very good and ball handling (minus the weird bobbling fumble) but he seems to do a very nice job of hiding the ball on playaction and read option plays 2) Manny Lawson is a good football player, 3) EJ still can't throw a deep ball down the sideline... Stevie was wide open all alone and the ball sailed over his head and out of bounds. Ej's accuracy is all towards the middle of the field. 4) Our fat guys whooped their fat guys most of the day 5) Scott Chandler has very good hands 6) Kiko (nuff said) 7) Hackett's short yardage packages drive me nuts - I never liked the bring all of humanity into the box and try to get through 18 bodies for one yard. Spread em out and sneak it up the middle 8) The secondary manned up today with great positioning on a lot of plays Can't wait for Thursday
  23. If the Bills win on Sunday, you will be considered a good luck charm and your attendance at all future home games will be mandatory
  24. Those yapping clowns have dominated the Bills in recent memory... which sucks. Beating them shuts them up, until then, they can yap all they want.
  25. Welcome to the 716
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