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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. Thanks! Very excited. We attended the Panthers game, but being 9 months pregnant now, the Stadium really just is not a viable atmosphere for her.
  2. I disagree. For me, the wife is due with our first any day now so we didn't spring for tickets this year. I'd still love to see the game.
  3. Approximately 7000 tickets remaining for Sunday's game. The Bills do not buy unsold seats. Barring a few corporations stepping up to the plate, it looks like the Thad Lewis era will only be available to those in attendance. I know the blackout policy has been discussed over and over, and the 85% rule has been discussed in depth, it just still shocks me that with the amount of revenue generated, this viewing policy is still in effect.
  4. I know they have come a long way from the early 90's, but Thurman wore one on his left knee his whole career. He basically didn't have an ACL in his left knee. It didn't seem to limit his mobility much. I think it just takes getting used to.
  5. Nope. Brohm v 2.0
  6. How did the Giants get so bad this year? They still have Eli, Cruz, and Nicks right? Should at least be able to put some points up.
  7. Colin Brown calls those numbers just another day at the office
  8. Whats the old saying? If you have two Left Guards you really have none?
  9. The ticky tacky calls that only go one direction in New England games is absolutely maddening.
  10. Remember back in the day when the Refs would call penalties on the defense for excessive crowd noise? I'd fully expect that to go against *Patriots' opponents if the rule was still around.
  11. I forgot how much different he looks throwing the ball compared to EJ. EJ just flicks it, Fitz literally puts every ounce of his body into every throw.
  12. Well, i know they both suck, but Legursky is a better football name, so i like the move on that basis alone.
  13. i'm just looking forward to seeing the entire Pettine gameplan with a fully healthy defense.
  14. All of his Throws against the Lions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIWu45CRszM&feature=youtu.be Hint.... expect a lot of runs and not a lot of accuracy
  15. Happens every time I watch the Patriots. They never hold, they never interfere, they are perfection. It's sickening.
  16. Here's the thing, the Bills, for the first time in a long time, have started to assemble a cast of players that can hang with other teams regardless of QB play. EJ, while showing signs this year, has not had games where he has put the team on his back and the team has rode him to victory. EJ has managed the games while making a few plays. Maybe Lewis can continue that trend. Either way, the rest of the team will be the most healthy its been all year.
  17. Makes more sense than starting Pat White.
  18. How many times are the Bills going to let Eugene Parker rake them over the coals and ultimately end up trading a top talent. I agree the situation is untenable at this point, but they end up losing a game changing player in the process.
  19. Marrone also said its conceivable that whoever they sign could start against the Bengals. Hope Russ has the Taurus warmed up.
  20. LCL Injury, out a few weeks
  21. Settle Francis. I was saying my initial reaction was it looked bad. I hope i'm wrong, and i'm not questioning the Bills procedure with him on the sideline. Obviously they know what they are doing, but at the moment of impact, bad thoughts went through my head.
  22. Wonder if they are going to have Kiko doing the punting now?
  23. So who is in the wings? List of available punters: Chris Kluwe Mat McBriar Brian Moorman Nick Harris Reggie Hodges Daniel Sepulveda Matt Dodge Matt Turk Jason Baker Ben Graham Chas Henry T.J. Conley Robert Malone Ricky Schmitt (K) Tom Malone Sam Paulescu Ryan Tydlacka Ryan Donahue Daniel Power Chris Bryan Brad Wing
  24. Good to see they agree with the consensus
  25. His leg is extended straight with the defender driving through just above the knee. A lot of bad forces at work there.
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