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Everything posted by destro32

  1. Ironically he shows up right after the Lynch suspension..... Makes him look double good now..... Well played Fred and I hope you get your $$.... You sure as hell earned it last year anyway!!
  2. 1. Brady lovefest 2. TO hatefest 3. Billy Boy's coaching genius 4. Marshawn bashing 5. The referee's making NO SHADOW OF A DOUBT that the pats* win!!! = TOM BRADY there is no way they let anyone beat Tommy on his (already inscribed) comeback player of the year trophy!!! F*&K the PATS*
  3. He is worth millions though!!!
  4. Ask him if he still has Sammy Morris's footprint in his forhead!!
  5. Then after the shout-out, he busted a cap in his own leg!!
  6. At least he said he was sorry and went to visit her in the hospital!! He should be put to death or perminantly checked into the psych ward in Attical!! !@#$ING SICKO!!!!
  7. JP Losman dropping back to pass and fumbling @ the Jets with 2 min to go and we are winning ............ LOL!!
  8. If not right in the city, not too far to the east is NW, Sanborn, and Cambria where there is plenty of land!! Plus it would be closer to the casino....>?
  9. you must be a pats fan?
  10. what city are the braces from? new expansion team? im in for them!!!!
  11. kudos.... thanks a lot fred for playing with heart... I hope it works out that he is back next season!!
  12. I am in - no matter what - section 333!!!
  13. I AGREE!! and it should be outside @ the Ralph in December baby!!!!!
  14. Can I get the megamillions lotto numbers please?
  15. just so you know wes welker has AIDS!! dont worry im am already going to hell!!
  16. thats the point... numbers aren't everything!!
  17. what about stats like 4th quater comebacks? A monkey could have semi-decent numbers if they were down 30 all the time? How good is the teams defense? apples vs oranges? there are too many factors left out to make a judgement? who would you take right now Joe Flacco (yds1649 comp%62.1 TD7 INT7 Rat79.7)or Kurt Warner ( yds2760 comp%70.6 TD19 INT6 Rat106.4) Obviously Warner - Right? oh - both teams are 6-3!! apples to oranges?
  18. Someone who knows how to win!! CONSISTENTLY
  19. Move to TORONTO!!!
  20. cause they are fair weather faggots............. !@#$ the pats... see you in december you cocks........
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