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Posts posted by D_House

  1. I got 23, 25 if you count the fact that I typed in 'Republic of Congo' and 'Democratic Republic of Congo' but didn't count either because I didn't type in 'the' Congo. Boo.
    I got 30:

    Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burundi,

    Chad, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,

    Ivory Coast, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Mali,

    Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Niger, Rwanda,

    Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland,

    Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe,


    I missed the Congos for the same reason.

  2. Only time will give you the answer to that. I think what people are happy about is the first real demonstration in a long time of Bills management addressing the offensive line. Think of it, THREE offensive lineman signed in the very first day of free agency. Shocking. So five years down the road, we may be saying that Marv and Co. sucked at evaluating talent, but we won't be saying that they ignored the line.

  3. Most blowhards on the right I know are willing to listen to someone who agrees with them

    Most blowhards on the left I know aren't as willing to listen to anyone, regardless of their ideology, because they prefer the sound of their own voice

    I don't know, I don't listen to political talk radio at all. I have seen Bill O'Reilly's show a few times, and he doesn't seem so willing to listen to opposing viewpoints. He may be atypical of blowhards on the right though.

  4. And they are different than listeners of Franken, Rhodes, or Schultz how?

    the difference is there is a lot less of them. you could subsitute "clinton" for bush in the quote in the OP and it would still be entirely accurate. the blowhards on both sides add nothing to the debate. but for some reason, whatever it may be, the blowhards on the right find themselves with a larger and more supportive audience. why that is, i have no idea.

  5. http://www.amata.as/cgi-data/news/files/244.shtml


    The Republican representative for Samoa seems to be under the impression that Pelosi is FOR increasing the minimum wage in Samoa. Personally, I think she makes a strong case for the wage there to remain the same.


    Also, here's some more clarification on the issue:




    While I'm sure that the all-powerful tuna lobby may have some influence on Pelosi, it doesn't seem like it has enough to keep her and Miller from supporting the minimum wage increase in both the Northern Marianas and Samoa.

  6. Why didn't he resign before being assigned to duty in Iraq? Was the war less objectionable to him when his butt wasn't in jeapordy?


    Things that make me go Hmmm.


    This is addressed in the Wiki article:


    Watada has said he is not a conscientious objector because he is not opposed to war as a principle, only the war in Iraq, and so offered to serve in Afghanistan,[7] which he regarded as "an unambiguous war linked to the Sept. 11 attacks." This was also refused. Watada, in turn, refused an offer for a desk job in Iraq without direct combat involvement.[4] Lt. Watada's initial term of service ends on December 3, 2006. However, the US Army may choose to extend its officers' tours of duty at its discretion.


    So he's not a pacifist and would voluntarily go to Afghanistan and serve there. And he didn't accept a job in Iraq that put him out of harm's way. It seems pretty clear that he is not being motivated by cowardice, although of course he is opening himself up to accusations of cowardice.

  7. Also, the Raiders proved that there is no exact science in building a line.  Everyone had Gallery being a HOFer.


    Definitely. I looked at the Raiders depth chart, and addition to Gallery at LT, they have a 2nd round pick at RT (Langston Walker) and C (Jake Grove). Manning the G spots are a rookie 6th rd pick and an UDFA (Barry Sims). Isn't this the very model for building an O-line? High draft picks on the tackle positions, a quality C, and low round, lunch pail guys at G?


    So what is the Raiders problem? Coaching? Scouting?

  8. the eagles like to lock up their young players early...they did the same thing with Shawn Andrews last year and numerous other players getting them at reasonable salaries now rather then wait and have to overpay or lose them


    seems like a good philosophy. maybe the bills should try it out. lee evans has been solid, and he's a third year player. i'd like to see him remain a bill for a long time.

  9. I dont think he is a pedofile any more than I think Allen is racist.  Clearly the quotes were inappropriate (on both sides), and its a shame both sides think they need to stoop to this level to get elected.


    To be fair, all that backs the claim that Webb is a pedophile is an excerpt from a work of fiction wherein he describes something that he actually saw take place. Allegations of Allen's racism have a lot more instances of questionable words and actions to back them up.


    There is the macaca thing, his alleged use of the n-word in the past, the deer head incident, his opposition to the MLK holiday and support for Confederate History month, his support for and display of the Confederate flag; it becomes a pattern.


    His current down-home image and embrace of all things "Southern" is somewhat peculiar given the fact that the man didn't live in VA until his sophomore year in college, when he transferred to UVA. He grew up in California and Chicago. This also makes his attacks on Webb as an "outsider" that hasn't seen the "real Virginia" somewhat perplexing.


    I think there are legitimate questions as to Allen's views on race, while there just isn't much question that calling Webb a "pedofile" is a huge leap.

  10. Im pretty much against the goverment funding anything.  The government cannot be trusted with money.  Period.  There is so much waste and abuse out there its sick.  For every dollar of productive work, there are about 10 wasted.


    I can attest to you that at least one thing that the government is better than average at is in its funding of the medical sciences, specifically throught the NIH. I am a graduate student nearing completion of my Ph.D. in the biosciences, and so have some familiarity with the grant process. It's not politicians dictating what projects get funding, it is actual scientists that form the peer review groups and determine the relative merit of proposed work.


    I don't know if many of you are aware, but in 2006, American scientists swept the science Nobel Awards for Medicine, Chemistry, and Physics. Both awardees for the prize in medicine and the awardee for chemistry relied heavily on NIH funding for their groundbreaking work. Here is a link where one of the winners of the award in medicine and the award winner in chemistry speak about the role of the NIH in their work:



  11. I'm on my way out the door so someone can link to it, or dig it up, but the parkinson.org site says that increased tremors is a side effect of some of the medications. 


    If anything, I would hope that this bit of controversy forces people to go to some of these sites and get some real info on the disease for themselves, unlike Rush who is counting on the fact that many of his listeners won't.


    www.michaeljfox.org is actually another good place to start. his foundation has raised nearly $70 million for Parkinsons research.

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