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Posts posted by D_House

  1. And here we are again. Because the left has spent all the time proclaiming Palin an idiot, it's perfectly okay to take the leap of faith that an unsubstantiated story must have some kind of merit. You couldn't paint a more irresponsible picture of journalism, but irresponsible journalism is all but a birthright of the left, so why question it?


    We've all watched Biden make equally, if not MORE unbelievably stupid comments, and yet no one seems to be taking unsubstantiated blogs and running to report about them on a global scale. Gee, I wonder why that is?


    Honestly, I really think you folks on the left may want to stop with this "Palin is an idiot" thing because I think we all know that Vice President-elect Joe Biden is about to spend the next four years making Dan Quayle look like a Rhodes Scholar.

    Just to clarify: the Africa story was first reported by Carl Cameron, Fox News' chief political correspondent for the McCain campaign. Fox News made the somewhat surprising decision to highlight this story, as Cameron was on their 7 PM news show hosted by Shepard Smith, then immediately afterward on the O'Reilly Factor at 8 PM. I'm sure it was probably reported again after that.


    So it wasn't some 'unsubstantiated blog' reporting this, it was someone that had been covering the McCain campaign for some time, and had been in contact with numerous persons associated with the campaign.


    Again, there are numerous possibilities regarding the story. The story could be true. Cameron's sources could be lying. Indeed, it's even possible that Cameron is lying (see my earlier post about past fabrications by Cameron). However, it's not just liberal bloggers that ran with the story.

  2. There's a difference between "anonymous source" and "we don't actually know who the source is."

    I'm sure Carl Cameron knows who he spoke to in the McCain campaign. That MSNBC doesn't know is not surprising, since Cameron works for Fox News.


    ETA: actually, it looks like there's a history of allegations against Cameron of fabricating stories:




    Allegations of journalistic fraud


    Media watchdog groups claim that on a number of occasions Carl Cameron has fabricated statements by Democratic politicians, and that this was done to boost their Republican opponents. One claim cited by Media Matters for America was a claim that John Kerry labeled George W. Bush a "warmonger" who intended to create "perpetual war" around the world; Media Matters asserted that no such instance of that criticism ever occurred.[7]


    In another instance, Cameron wrote a story posted on the Fox News website which included fabricated quotes from Kerry; the senator purportedly called himself a "metrosexual" and Bush a "cowboy" and spoke effeminately about a manicure. Official Fox News spokesman Paul Schur later said it was intended to be an internal joke not for publication, and the network apologized for the piece, but only on its website, and only through a tag on the article in which these quotes appeared.[8]

  3. Are you suggesting that not knowing who said it also casts doubts on whether it was true in the first place?

    It's all hearsay, and not really important. Even if the source in the McCain campaign is identified, there is the possibility that he/she is lying. In fact, someone has to be bending the truth, because Palin's camp has called the allegations ridiculous.


    Anyways, the take away story from Fox News' report is more about the infighting going on in the McCain campaign, and the dislike of the Palin choice by many of the people associated with it, than that Palin is 'stupid'. I'm sure it's not unusual for folks to point fingers after a loss like this, and Palin is obviously a contentious figure, so it's not surprising that she's catching some flak.


    Higher ups in the McCain campaign have admitted that the Palin choice was impulsive and an attempt to 'go long' (ie a Hail Mary pick), so all of this reflects just as badly on them as on her.

  4. Folks on another message board I read got this wrong too. The NY Times article isn't explicit enough for some people, but this AP article makes it clear:




    The hoax was limited to the identity of the source in the story about Palin — not the Fox News story itself. While Palin has denied that she mistook Africa for a country, the veracity of that report was not put in question by the revelation that Eisenstadt is a phony.
  5. Hey NYS Teachers Union. Thanks for all those magazines and ads in my mailbox the past few years telling us to vote Democrat. How ya feeling now? On the plus side, my wife now gets to mock her coworkers instead of being the brunt of the joke.




    So the obvious place to look is education. Let's keep overlooking the bloated and overpaid state workforce. Thanks NY voters, you elected an ego-maniac and we ended up with Helen Keller as a governor. And I'm afraid that's an insult to Helen.

    The article does state that in addition to the education cuts, the plan calls for a 5 day pay deferment by state workers, a rollback of a previously negotiated 3% raise for state workers, the closing of juvenile detention centers, and cuts in Medicaid and health insurance benefits (NYS now pays 90% of retirees' health insurance!?!). All while avoiding tax increases. Seems like a pretty aggressive cost-cutting plan.


    I've seen Paterson on national TV, and he does come off as kind of an idiot, but I don't see much to disagree with here.


    Also, this makes it seem like he's willing to cut the state workforce:


    Mr. Paterson could resort to job cuts if the unions do not back down, and he would say only that he was not seeking layoffs right now.
  6. The Democrat governor is calling for big cuts in the budget and the Republicans in the legislature are opposed. Business leaders support the governor's plans, while unions are allied with Senate Republicans, against the plans.


    Anyone NYers with some insight into this situation?




    Kenneth Adams, chief executive of the Business Council of New York State, said Mr. Paterson “presented a plan that makes difficult but necessary choices to reduce state spending to close an unprecedented budget gap that gets worse by the day.” He added, “The state simply cannot tax its way out of this crisis.”
  7. I have a sneaky suspicion that one way or another, we will see rioting in the inner cities next week after the election.


    Either there will be riots because of the joy of the first black president, or there will be outrage that he didn't win and the system is corrupt and unfair.


    There have been riots of celebration over World Series victories, riots over the Rodney King verdict, and riots over unfair treatment of minorities. This event could bring all those emotions together at one time, and it could be explosive and country wide.


    I hope nothing happens, but prepare yourselves nonetheless, because it could get ugly.

    Yeah the rioting was out of control last night. :blink:

  8. Do I think the top brass at Acorn sits around and says "how can we register more fake people to get them to vote"? Not exactly.


    Do I think a lot of local ACORN managers (who are certainly Obama supporters) look the other way and give a wink wink when all sorts of funny stuff comes in? Absolutely.



    Do I think that today in downtown philadelphia and pittsburgh, and in random rural towns in Ohio that the local political bosses are scanning the voter roles, and figuring out shenanigans to commit voter fraud? Absolutely.

    Aren't a lot of these irregularities being reported by ACORN itself?

  9. This looks bad for McCain. One, it turns his own guilt by association meme around on him, and with a direct link to someone the right had painted as a focus of the WOT. Secondly, it's yet another example of a lobbyist having significant influence on the McCain campaign, and in this case, the potential future McCain administration. This is a campaign that is running against Washington insiders, but is being run by Washington insiders. Seems hypocritical at best.

  10. I'm actually surprised that McCain isn't doing better with scientists. He has a pretty good record with regards to science funding, and he's talking about a Manhattan Project type initiative for alternative fuels, both of which scientists of course support. But at least in an admittedly limited sampling of my colleagues, Obama is preferred 10 to 1.

  11. “Our head coach I feel is one of the best in this business,” said Edwards. “I want to win for my teammates, but more so I want to win for my head coach. That’s really what it comes down to and I think a lot of other guys in that locker room have the same feeling that I do about coach Jauron. Just the type of person he is and what he brings to the table every day for us, it’s just a pleasure to be able to play under him.”




    Pretty high praise there.


    Trent 0:) Dick

  12. All I know is that all three experiments on that show were pretty funny--definitely worth checking out the show again for at least the entertainment value.


    If one is a foody or a pro, I'm guessing there aren't many shows on Food Network, let alone a show like Food Detectives, that are worth watching.

    I enjoyed it too. A good friend of mine is on the show, he's the 'science expert' that lead the investigation of the 5 second rule. He had some amusing stories about mishaps during the shooting. Apparently they didn't make it onto the final episode. He'll be in at least six more episodes as the molecular biology/microbiology expert.

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