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Everything posted by Max997

  1. It amazes me how people always say things like this like the top 5 is only place to get a QB and that there is always a franchise QB there in the top 5 in every draft. How many of the starting QBs in the league right now were top 5 picks? How many QBs that were drafted in the top 5 the last ten years turned out to be busts? QBs can be found after the first round. Drew Bree's, Derek Carr and Andy Dalton were all second round picks.
  2. It all starts with Fisher who played and coached under Buddy Ryan and has always had a tough defense that likes to hit whether it's Greg as his DC or Schwartz. Bills defense knocked players all over the place last year under Schwartz....I really miss the Schwartz
  3. So you're rooting for the Jets because they would be an unworthy underdog beating the Pats who they wouldn't even face in the Super Bowl? The Panthers will be one and down in the playoffs I would love to see the Broncos win the Super Bowl with Peyton watching from the bench
  4. With the expected dismantling and rebuilding of the defense I expect this team to basically be the same if not worse next year
  5. I worry that they are now going to dismantle the defense to meet Rex's system when it was the one phase of the team that was in place and playoff ready when Rex took over so essentially they will be taking a step back again next year The wheels on the bus go round and round
  6. I don't agree with just accepting that the defense could only go down after last year. They are going to end up with half the sacks they had last year which is unacceptable regardless of the situation.
  7. Why should the defense be allowed to get back when they jump offsides? Should the offense be allowed to get back when they false start causing the defense to jump? The easy solution is not to jump offsides and just watch the ball It's unfair, give me a break. This is football not the playground
  8. His excuse that it's the first year of Rex's system is pathetically weak as Pettine and Schwartz both got their systems installed with not only good results but also improved the defense from the previous year It's also ridiculous if Rex's playbook is that big and complicated
  9. its not hard, bills take forever before the snap with all of the motions and checks taking clock down to almost zero every play, tyrod claps hands, wood looks back then snaps this isnt new
  10. completely agree but more often than not we see coaches forcing their great complex system on players who clearly dont fit what the coach is trying to do this also gives that coach the built in excuse when things do not go as planned hiring Rex and changing the defense was a mistake, plain and simple
  11. Thurman isnt going anywhere, he is a Rex guy This team needs LBs, badly. I like Preston Brown but he seemed much better at OLB than MLB I would love to see Wilkerson in a Bills uniform but it simply wont happen as he is going to want Dareus money DLine is a big need though but i think they address that in the draft Miller had a bad game vs the Eagles and so did everyone else on the line but he has played well for the most part this year...i was surprised he started with way Urbik was playing though
  12. The most important change that's needed won't happen for at least two years
  13. You thought that crew did a good job??? That was one of the worst performances by an officiating crew I've ever seen. 15 penalties to 5 and several calls missed with refs standing right there is just ridiculously one sided. They even tried to take Sammys TD away and the guy was literally right there with his only responsibility being to watch the receivers feet. The blatant pick was a disgrace
  14. Mario, Leo, EJ, and probably Kyle won't be with Bills next year
  15. Chip was the only one in Philly who didn't want McCoy Why create a thread complaining about McCoy then end up complaining mostly about Rex?
  16. I don't understand your point but I've given several examples of Tyrods faults so not sure what you are getting at here. QBs are judged on third down where they typically hv to squeeze tight passes in small windows More often than not Tyrod completely ignores the middle of the field most likely bc he can't see over the lineman
  17. Because stats are everything right? Do you think Tyrod is a top 5 QB? If Tyrod is so good why is the offense so bad on third down which is where QBs are really judged? I don't dislike Tyrod I just don't think he is the long term answer and as I said all of his faults were on display today
  18. What both ways? QBs need to be able to complete the crucial 10-12 yard pass on 3rd and 8 but Tyrod seems to really struggle with that which is a big reason why this offense is so bad on third down
  19. Is your defense of Tyrod really what he did in the prereason and week 1? My observation of why they can't get the balance is due to Tyrods inability to work the short and intermediate and over the middle passing game Expecting to complete deep balls every third down is ludicrous
  20. Tyrod def played a part in the loss today but obviously wasn't the only reason. Tyrod really struggled on third down today and made some poor decisions throwing deep balls when he could and should hv run for the first or found another receiver working underneath the deep route. Tyrod throws a great deep ball but he was forcing it today against a defense that was clearly trying to take it away and bc if that was leaving other parts of the field open which is usually the middle. The interception at the end was just horrible and was another forced deep ball by him.
  21. EJ got on the field today for some dumb reason
  22. Yeah bc I haven't said the same things about Tyrod all year Everything is down the field, barely anything in the short and intermediate range and even less over the middle which as I said is a big reason why this offense struggles on third down. Anyone watching this or any other game can see this
  23. Did I say Tyrod was the only reason they lost today or that all of his faults were on display today? Please try and comprehend what is being said before feeling the need to comment
  24. Nice comment without anything to back it up
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