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Everything posted by Max997

  1. say what you want about him but he was trying to get interest in his client which is his job, if that works then good for them and really who would that work on anyway....oh wait
  2. its comments like this that make you realize most of these guys dont have a clue what they're talking about and obviously dont do any type of research before posting their articles...the Bills have one of the best return games in the league, not much room to improve if any at all
  3. and yet another player that has never played in the snow
  4. if you bothered to watch the piece ESPN did on this you would realize the Army thinks of this possibility as publicity they cant buy...plus the player will work as a recruitor as well Im sure you would pass on the chance to play in the NFL and to act as a face for the Army for new recruits
  5. I dont get why people keep saying this because they couldnt be any more different...Wright is a power straight ahead between the tackles back and Omon is a shifty scat kind of a back maybe if people actually watched some of his videos and seen him run they wouldnt make completely misinformed statements like this on another more important note...he was a 6th round pick, not a first, second or third...dont put too much thought into it
  6. too many people wanting too much time...why do they think they need all these people...just cover the draft, thats it
  7. he's listed at under 6'6" not 6'7" my concern is can he get off the line and get consistant seperation from CBs....people keep saying all they want him to do is catch touchdowns, I would like him to catch some key 3rd down conversions on 3rd and 6 as well
  8. did they really need 5 guys behind the desk, how many guys are going to be behind the desk next year, seems like they add one every year I dont know why they feel the need to have all these different sets and constantly switching around, just cover the draft, thats all you have to do...did they really need to discuss the QBs that were left when the Bills, Broncos and Eagles were on the clock all of which were not going to take a QB
  9. you cant even follow the conversation and Im the idiot, funny you guys are blind if you cant see that TO is one of the fastest WRs in the league sorry I dont have a link to a TV report that was done when TO was in Philly...I could provide you with a link to get your G.E.D. though if you need it
  10. how am I instigating...the guy misquoted me and I corrected him I never trashed Hardy, I said I didnt like the pick but find something negative Ive said about him like I said, internet tough guy act
  11. I could be wrong about Moss but I dont recall him running sub 4.3 40's at the combine and it was reported last year Moss was working out in Florida running sub 4.3 40's
  12. I never compared Hardy to TO or Moss...the converstaion was about 40 times and someone mentioned name some other big WRs that can run faster if you;re too slow to follow the conversation please dont chime in with your ill advised comments
  13. how was I proven wrong...I brought up TO ran a 4.3 and change when he was with Philly and he is still considered one of the fastest WRs in the league
  14. can you please find the post where i hated on Hardy because of his 40 someone posted that his 4.47 40 time was outstanding which i said it wasnt and that a sub 4.4 time would be considered outstanding I dont like the pick but i never trashed his 40 time i just said it isnt outstanding...go back and read
  15. I think I implied that he is a much better and faster WR now then when he came out of college which is why he wasnt picked until the 3rd round wasnt it reported that Moss was clocked at sub 4.3 during the draft last year when the trade went down...Im sure his combine 40 wasnt 4.3 or below if you've ever seen the piece on TO and what he went through you would understand why he might not have been in his best physical condition when he came out of college
  16. how long ago was his combine? is that what we're talking about or are we talking about the player TO is now and has been since he became an elite WR in the NFL...TO is one of the fastest WRs in the league and one of the few that can and has run away from Champ Bailey. When he was in Philly they did a piece on his workouts and he ran a 4.3 and change 40 which has been reported since on many occassions. If you cant see that he is one of the fastest WRs in the league then maybe you should go watch tennis or something as usual, I see you have your internet tough guy act on
  17. when TO was in Philly he ran a 4.3 and change 40 Moss is one if not the only other WR that is faster then TO, maybe you should watch him play once in awhile
  18. are you kiddin me? TO is one of the fastest WR's in the league
  19. that wasnt the point, he said he ran an outstanding 40 which he didnt, an outstanding 40 is sub 4.4..he ran an ok 40 for a WR Owens and Moss are a little shorter and both run 4.3's
  20. thats still not outstanding
  21. wow, i dont like how long they're taking...seems like a debate is going on
  22. hopefully that commercial means they wont go to commercial with the Bills on the clock
  23. NFLN isnt much better, they're doing an interview with Jerry Jones right now
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