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Apu Grape

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  1. Dick Cheney I'd imagine......lest the truth get out.
  2. I have yet to hear anyone take this angle: Scooter is soon to squeal like a stuck Deliverence piggy that he got the order from Dick to out Plame which would crash the administration faster than twelve Jack (abram) Off photos, so Darth Cheney decides to take drastic measures to deflect attention and takes aim at some old fart Texas GOP bigwig, knowing that there are plenty more their ilk. Eh?
  3. "Learn a bit about quail hunting"?! I think you're directing that question to the wrong person. Cheney's got a gun Everything's come undone Cheney's got a gun
  4. Given this administration I'll tell you what it means...the guy'll probably croak either tonight or tomorrow. Which begs the question should Cheney be brought up on manslaughter charges? One also has to wonder how he could hit a guy in the chest and head while supposedly firing at an airborne creature? Musta been all that Viet Nam training.
  5. Interesting. I did not know Kelly and Bledsoe shared the same birthday. And yes, lest we not forget the courageous Hunter, an inspiration to many.
  6. Ah...never trust chickenhawks handling weapons. As vile and loathesome as Cheney is, even more so then the extremely unpopular Bush, he'll probably walk away from this relatively unscathed. It is just interesting to hear his comments in retrospect concerning Kerry's hunting trips: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,136242,00.html
  7. Who would want to go back? I went there once about ten years ago for that Fall Fest thing and thought I had discovered Whitebread land.
  8. It will be interesting to see who they draw from. With more than half the citizens of the area not likely to return for awhile, and the Saints as bad as they are, one wonders at what point does this become an issue with the league.
  9. Finally, after dealing with the strangulation certain radio conglomerates hold over the Buffalo/Niagara Falls airwaves, specifically ENTERCOM (ECHO, ECHO!) and its retarded stepchild WBEN 930 AM, former WGR and WBEN newsman Ray Marks is set to start what is going to be the first locally owned commercial progressive radio station in the nation. No longer will astute listeners have to put up with the embarrasment that is Buerele and his terrorists under every bed, his endless local tax harangues, and his love of baby ducks. We will have the alternative not to listen to Sandy Beach and his irritatiing laugh and we will definitely never have to listen to a certain syndicated pill-popping uber right wing extremist if we just want to tune in during the afternoon drive to get the weather. WHLD is going with a nice balance of excellent local programming with broadcasts of Civil Liberties radio and the Newsroom which have already been airing for over a year, as well as the Air America gang (Springer, Franken, Rhodes) and the stalwart standby Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, the only real news program on national radio today. Liberal talk radio to hit local scene By STEPHEN T. WATSON News Staff Reporter 2/3/2006 Liberal talk is coming to Buffalo radio in 10 days, and it's bringing along Al Franken. A group of investors and radio veterans is launching a new radio station billed as the progressive alternative to the conservative talkers who dominate local airwaves. Niagara Independent Media takes over the operation of WHLD-AM 1270 at 6 a.m. Feb. 13 and plans to offer a mix of Buffalo-based talk and news as well as national programming. "We're excited and anxious to get going. Finally, another voice in local talk radio," said Ray Marks, a former news director at WBEN-AM and WGR-AM. Marks is a partner in this venture and will serve as station general manager and on-air host. The investors say this station will be the first locally owned, commercial radio station in the country to offer talk from a liberal point of view. There are other such stations that are not supported by commercial advertising. "We're not going to be a fringe-left station. We're going to be a station that I think reflects the values of Western New York," said Brian Brown-Cashdollar, Niagara Independent Media's president and a former official with the Western New York Council on Occupational Safety and Health. The station will operate out of WHLD's studio at Delaware Avenue and Chippewa Street for about six weeks before moving into a new, 3,500-square-foot studio under construction at the Tri-Main Center on Main Street. Niagara Independent Media has entered into a license management agreement with Citadel Broadcasting Company to operate WHLD. The new WHLD plans to hire 15 employees by the end of its first year, and the entire operation represents an investment of $600,000, said Brown-Cashdollar. The station will broadcast around the clock, hosting local call-in shows, a fledgling news operation and programs from the liberal Air America Radio Network and Pacifica Radio. Franken, the former "Saturday Night Live" writer and author, has a show on Air America. Brown-Cashdollar and his fellow investors say the station will fill a void in local talk radio, which is dominated by WBEN-AM 930, an Entercom station whose hosts have a solid conservative bent. The investors in Niagara Independent Media include Michael I. Niman, a Buffalo State College assistant professor and frequent contributor to Artvoice magazine, and Richard Lipsitz Sr., a labor attorney. Marks and Alex Blair, who has been executive director of the labor-backed radio program "Prospering in America," will be among the first local hosts on the station. WHLD will be hiring other on-air talent whose identities Marks was not ready to reveal Thursday.
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