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Everything posted by UnionAMG

  1. No your not the only one
  2. http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...fandemonium.jpg It's not the best quality but I actually was able to get that printed on a 10"x8" photo paper and it doesn't look too bad hanging up in my room. I can't believe this picture isn't a poster sold as a poster somewhere, I've looked everywhere for one. I would think it would be the best selling bills poster ever! Probably something to do with the rights not wanting to be given up by the person who took the picture.
  3. I was 7 years old and at the game with my dad... we had season tickets for a couple of those years. That game is one of my earliest memories as a kid. I still remember leaving the game in our car and looking out the window seeing a group of guys carrying a piece of the goal post down the street. Don't know how they got it out of the stadium or what they did with it, but that was just awesome!
  4. I think I got one... Reuben Brown = Google Image
  5. I don't think Brady would let them put his face on a tampon... he doesn't want to go anywhere near a pu$$y
  6. I hear you Ray... I lived in Boston the last two years and had season tickets. Only missed the Jets 4:00 game last season. That drive was pretty tough and with gas continually going up it seems as though more expensive than flying. Unfortunately JetBlue didn't have the direct flight from Boston to Buffalo the last couple seasons so USAir had no reason to lower their prices. Fortunately, I'm going to grad school in Rochester this year so my drive is a lot shorter for the games this season!!!
  7. Finally found a Draft Profile for JP on the Tulane website. All the way at the bottom of the pdf document. It is Loss-men. http://graphics.fansonly.com/photos/school...n-draft-bio.pdf Like I said, I thought at one point, people were calling him Lows-men... so I just didn't know what was correct. Bad headline for the article, but it still doesn't discredit what is written about him. Chances are Banks didn't even write the headline.
  8. In all honesty I don't know if the correct pronunciation has ever been decided on. I seem to remember when he was first drafted, BB.com putting out the story on him with a specific comment on how to pronounce it correctly (that way being low-sman... in the way you would say sweet and low). But a lot of analysts persisted to call him loss-man, perhaps with the negative connotation included purposely. Anyways, pronouncing a players name one way or another (though infuriating to some fans) doesn't prevent someone from giving a proper analysis of their talent.
  9. I thought that tickets to the Bills' training camp practices were free. You need to have a ticket to get in, but the tickets were free. Is that wrong?
  10. Just giving this a bump for those who didn't see this down at the bottom of the board. TKO on Rome today sometime between noon and 3. Just the radio show... no television. "Macauleeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
  11. Nothing really to say here... just wanted to give a heads up to people that Takeo will be a guest on Jim Rome tomorrow (Tuesday). No word on what hour he will be on, but tune in to WGR at noon and he should give a rundown of when to expect the guests.
  12. I know this isn't really what's important in the QB of our team but it is kind of refreshing to hear numerous stories of how down to earth JP actually is. All the talk about being a cocky a$$... when it comes down to it he seems like a great guy. I've heard from so many people stories that they ran into JP walking down Elmwood or seeing him out at a bar and he had no ego whatsoever and was more interested in asking them questions rather than them asking JP. Pretty nice guy for a cocky puck kid huh?
  13. Thanks for putting those together UDonkey... FYI the AFC East preview link is wrong though. Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8MgRAw0PXs
  14. Is it possible to rank everybody at the bottom of the poll? Because that's where you'd have to put them for preseason power rankings
  15. I don't know where you live Elcrusho, but for the sake of argument... a $300,000 residence would be more in property taxes here in WNY, but the house you could buy for 300k is probably twice the size and quality of the 300k you would spend on a condo in other areas of the country. I lived in Boston for the last two years after graduating for college. I moved back to Buffalo three weeks ago and will actually be able to afford a house out here. A one bedroom condo in Boston costs at least 300k, while I can buy a mansion in some of the nicest areas of the region for that money here. It's all relative... the thing that WNY has going for it that other areas dont (and not all people will agree that WNY has it) is high quality of life. Short commute, many things are cheaper (everyday things like groceries), you can go sailing in the summers and skiing in the winters all within a half hour drive. These are just a couple of the things that I missed about Buffalo while I was gone and i'm glad I'm back. Hopefully others will realize that the grass isn't always greener on the other side!!!
  16. That's weird... I've heard the exact opposite. Reading scouting reports, they said he has a great over-the-top throwing motion. Basically they said he has the prototypical throwing motion you want a young QB to have. I wonder if the clips you saw were particular throws taht he needed to do so or why there is the discrepency. Either way... this is great news for the Irish
  17. The Harp may be playing it... I'm not sure. I don't know if they have the Center Ice Package like they have the Sunday Ticket for Bills games But I did call Sports Depot in Allston and they said they will definitely have it on. I'll be there. And especially since the Sox are off tonight it shouldnt be ridiculously crowded with people watching them.
  18. Does anybody know where I could get a video of the 1988 Bills-Jets game when they clinched the AFC East Title and the fans stormed the field? There has got to be a couple copies out there somewhere!!! Gimme a PM if you know... thanks
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