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Everything posted by UnionAMG

  1. Imagine if youtube, cell cams, and the magnified spotlight of sports news coverage existed in the late 80's. Half of the Bickering Bills would have been run out of town before ever getting a chance at their Super Bowl run.
  2. I heard the organ player at HSBC is retiring... is that something you'd be interested in?
  3. I could understand not letting you use the name... but I can't believe they wouldn't sell you the jersey with just the number. That doesn't make much sense that the Players Union somehow has jurisdiction over a players number.
  4. That's weird... I got a new Away Kelly #12 jersey two years ago. Kind of a reverse throwback, bringing Kelly to the present. I ordered it off of NFL.com and never had any trouble with it being a former player. I wonder if this is a new rule.
  5. I was thinking the same thing WWVa, cue the fun police... "What if your daughter/sister/mother/foster-mother/bus-driver/or mailwoman was blonde and offended by that joke? This thread is a disgrace to TBD!!!" Anyways, i thought this was a decent joke... actually hadn't heard this one before, and thats tough to do with blonde jokes. I feel like I've heard every one at some point in my life.
  6. Unfortunately a few pretentious blow hards ruined our immature, inappropriate fun. I forgot that this was a civilized football message board that must be either topical to the Buffalo Bills or to cultured, literary works. Get over it people, no one is perfect... and not even the holier-than-thou posters in this thread can say they've never had a guilty laugh at someone else's expense. You won't convince me that me calling someone fat on an internet message board is morally reprehensible, so why are you getting yourselves all worked up over it? In response to whatever your smug replies putting me down will be, all I have to say is... THANKSSSS!!!
  7. I guess she'd be hard to miss... damn i'm going to hell
  8. Blasphemer!!! At no point in the Bible does it say anything about God hitting his wife
  9. Can we please implement an IQ test to sign up for this board? Having an email address is just too easy a qualification.
  10. Point taken... just so everyone is clear I wasn't the OP who suggested it was steroids. I can see how the suggestion (instead of question) is less appropriate in this situation. I only raised my point because when I read the story, the first thing that popped into my head was steroids (and that really isnt a knock on the man... more on the game)
  11. I don't think this was an absurd thing to post. With all due respect to the man (may he RIP), you have to wonder when someone dies at the age of 43. Many players from that time used steroids, why is it so bad to question if they played a role in this case?
  12. There's a small part of me that wants the Bills to say "tough sh|t", we have you for the next 3 years if you don't want to play, then sit for the next 3 years. I wonder what that would do to his market value after that 3rd season of not playing? NOW... I don't think that Peters would realistically do that, but my point is a holdout isn't much of a threat when you still have 3 years on your contract. There's no way Peters doesn't report at some point.
  13. This thread has become maddening... I hope you all get a certain plague by the name bubonic! I'd be so happy, I'd go catatonic
  14. Yes... but the fact that a song titled "Ironic" has nothing ironic in it... is in fact ironic! Maybe that's what she was going for? Alanis is so advanced.
  15. Imagine the possibilities with 6'-6" Hardy and the 6'-6" Jones on the same side in the redzone. Jones doesn't have great hands, but what if when the ball is snapped Hardy gets on Jones' shoulders and Trent just lofts one up to Hardy??? Together they could be one unstoppable 12'-12" Wide Receiver!!!! Get er done Marv!
  16. I agree they travel well, but I just dont think its going to be a high priced ticket as the Cowboys game. I think the high prices were due to many Canadian Cowboys fans from Toronto driving up prices. Bills fans traveled well to Cleveland last year and scalped tix could be found for about 25% over face, but we sure as hell won't be traveling well to Toronto where the Willingness to Pay is much higher. I think you'll get Cleveland fans wanting to come here, but most not at $150 a pop. So the scalped value will fall due to the lower WTP. And a MNF game is not an easy game to travel to for most people bc you'd have to take Monday (maybe Tues) off work. A Sunday day game would be much more desirable for a Cleveland/Buffalo road trip. Couple that with the abundance of people who apparently bought tix this year with the sole intent to scalp and I dont think the average scalped ticket will make as much as last years. Just like when the PS3 came out, I'd be willing to bet that over 50% of people buying them in stores the first day did so to resell on eBay for profit. But by everybody doing that, the prices were driven way down and after the first few days, you could find some PS3's on eBay for only a few hundred dollars over retail. We shall see.
  17. The way I'm looking at it appears many more people this year bought tix to scalp than they did last year (3 hrs sold out vs. 3 days last year). Therefore the market will be flooded with tix for resale. That will drive down the price on its own. The quick sellout of this years MNF game doesnt have as much to do with overall demand for the tix as it does for demand for the desire to scalp tix. But also, the opponent will hurt the demand for scalped tix this year. A very large number of the scalped tix last year were bought by Cowboys fans (many Canadians are Cowboys fans), while the Browns do not have as big of a fanbase (outside of Cleveland) to drive up prices. Granted some will travel from Cleveland, but not nearly the amount of demand as Cowboys fans in Toronto for instance. Look at what happened with the Ice Bowl... the market was flooded by scalpers and people didn't make as nearly as much as they thought. Just my guess is all.
  18. Haha, I didn't even try... I have seasons for myself and have a feeling the Cleveland Monday nighter won't be as big of a draw as the Cowgirls one last year. Just didn't think it would be worth the trouble to scalp. I just wanted to give a half-hearted F U to the OP before the real hate starts flying!
  19. Congrats... you got 6 tix to flip for a profit... and all it cost you was your soul as a Bills fan. My ballpark estimate is you should be able to fetch a nice case of Herpes... karma's a b|tch!
  20. But also understand that there are other tailgate parties around you and keep the volume at a reasonable level so that you can hear it and it doesnt overwelm everybody else. Everyone around you wants to have their own setup as well, so dont come in and just overtake them. In our section of Drive 5, we had two old guys come for two seasons, get out of their van and put techno music on speakers louder than the crap ones inside the Ralph. It was just the two of them... they certainly didn't need them that loud! We pestered them enough for the year that they moved spots next season.
  21. Me and my brother made a full size Willis McGahee scarecrow last year, printed a picture of his face for the head, and put a jersey on him. Half hour before gametime we put him in a garbage can and set him on fire. Nothing like 100+ Bills fans gathering around chanting "Burn Willis Burn" to get your heart racing for a big game. I did feel kind of bad when all that was left was a wooden frame and the "head" of Willis was still in flames (I really wasn't trying to go for a Southern KKK rally feel, but unfortunately it had a little bit of that feel to it ) Either way, that was a great Tailgate!
  22. It sounds like you are part owner of a dealership with this posting? Just messing with you, I have seen more of them around but i do know they were first made popular by Steve Urckel
  23. Haha... damn, that hurts!
  24. Kent's never around... but I just have a good feeling about him. Even though he seems to disappear in a pinch, things always work out anyways. Except for that one time we did a big presentation for Krypton Inc., he called in sick with a 24-hour bug... i think it was BS.
  25. Tenenbaums really is an interesting movie... in that people either absolutely hate the movie and find no value in it whatsoever, or they think it is brilliant. I think it is hilarious. When I saw it in a full movie theater, I was probably one of only 10 people laughing... but we were laughing througout the entire movie. Either you get it or you don't (I don't mean that the people who don't get it are wrong, its just a certain kind of humor). I remember when the one Tenenbaum tries to commit suicide and they are all rushing him through the hospital on a stretcher, just Bill Murray's manerisms in relation to the "seriousness" of the situation in that scene made me burst out laughing. I can't even explain it very well, but I thought the movie was great.
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