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Everything posted by UnionAMG

  1. Settle down... I'm not upset about it. It's just a suggestion to the mods on how to make the board more user friendly.
  2. Can Mods just start closing all of these extra Peters topics? 7 threads on the first page alone are related to the situation and none really are drastically different viewpoints that warrant new threads (maybe one about Peters and one about his agent since that seems to be a popular topic too). Incessant closing of threads might get the point through to people to look for topics before starting a new one. I'm on the Lollapalooza message board and they are so strict with that policy, but it is such a clean and easily read board. Don't know if the mods are that present here though.
  3. Okay... I get it now. He's an idiot.
  4. I get that point... but you bolded the last sentence and included a wallbash like you thought it was ridiculous that the agent wasn't returing phone calls. Just wanted to clarify that it probably meant he wasn't returing phone calls to the reporter (which is normal), not that he wasn't returning phone calls to the team (which would be ridiculous).
  5. I could be wrong, but does that last sentence mean that the agent didn't reply to messages left by the writer of the article? If so, that's not such a big deal at all. Often times a writer calls the subject of a story and cannot reach them, or the person doesn't want to be interviewed for the article. If that sentence is referring to not returing phone calls of the team... then that's a completely different story!
  6. I like this quote from the article in reference to an earlier incident of agressive driving: "Learn to read the signs, [bodily orifice]!" Novak snapped before speeding away, according to an item in The Washington Post's Reliable Source column. I don't think i've ever seen a&$ho|e be censored out with "bodily orifice" inserted instead. Somehow, it almost sounds dirtier?
  7. Fixed it for ya... just gotta have whatever text you want to be sized up in between teh {size="7"} and the {/size} brackets
  8. Our's was dead even with the lip of the pool... so you could stand with your heels on the deck and toes on the pool edge and not even notice a change. Concrete footers were also used.
  9. Normally I am as well... that's why this would be quite the challenge. The "Buffalo Sports Fan Triathalon" - drinking, football, and hockey. The 3 things we love, probably in that order too. at the Ralph Wilson lot by 8am to tailgate for 5hrs... Bills game for 3 hrs... to HSBC for a Sabres game for 3 hrs... home at 11pm. Probably would have to take that Monday off from work though.
  10. Does anybody recall the last time the Sabres played a HOME Sunday night game after a HOME Bills game? I'm just wondering if that seriously hurt attendance of the Sabres game and management wouldn't want it to happen again in the future. Because if it didn't kill attendance, I'd love for them to make that an annual thing. Even though it seems Sunday night games aren't very common in the NHL. Do it in early in October so people wouldn't have snow to deal with leaving the Bills game and going to HSBC. It could be the Buffalo sports fan's dream day... that would be awesome!
  11. There's a nasty pothole around mile 315 that she should watch out for. If she's drinking coffee at that time, she could burn her lip pretty severely.
  12. twobillsdrive.com the article is right there! http://www.insidebayarea.com/ci_9864650
  13. Jamie Dukes > Mark Schlereth
  14. I have quite a few diehard baseball friends in Boston that have no interest in hockey. When they read about this, they all emailed me (knowing I'm a big hockey fan) saying that "its pretty cool." Like I said, I dont think that it magically will make anybody watch the game bc its in Wrigley. But the point remains that the Winter Classics' intent is to draw attention to the game and the NHL, not necessarily to make money on the game (even if they did make money, i know it wasnt a significant amount). Having it in Wrigley certainly is a more attractive location for that purpose than Soldier Field. And losing out on an extra 30k tix is worth it to have the added novelty of Wrigley Field being a part of that package.
  15. If I remember correctly, the NHL barely made any money from the Winter Classic last year. Between all of the costs of setting up the ice, renting the Ralph, etc. they made peanuts. Where the NHL hopes to maximize revenue is in generating interest in their sport from some casual fans, and hopefully hook them for good. Personally, I dont know that watching the Winter Classic will do that for anybody... BUT if the goal is to get casual fans to tune in on New Years Day to see something interesting, then Wrigley Field is a great choice. Particularly baseball fans across the country will probably watch a part of it just to see how Wrigley looks in such a unique setting. So I would think the loss of ticket sales due to capacity would be made up by the undeniable draw of Wrigley.
  16. Going the other way... a part of me still gets surprised when a duck takes off and starts flying. I always just see them waddling around and I get used to them just walking everywhere.
  17. You just have to except that people are going to screw up at some point in there lives. Accept for me... I am never wrong.
  18. Pshhh... been there, done that http://wcco.com/topstories/Eddie.Griffin.M...a.2.359712.html
  19. BINGO! I couldn't agree with you any more. The amount of criticism laid on teams for where they take guys has gotten pretty ridiculous. I hate when Mel Kiper and other draftniks, say "I really liked INSERTPLAYER but INSERTTEAM drafted him 4 spots too high". The game of drafting has overtaken the whole point of it, which is to get the player you want.
  20. Really??? I didn't realize the Darcy-bashing Sabres hysteria was spilling over to TBD
  21. Was Stone Temple Pilots the same as Velvet Revolver because they were both fronted by Scott Weiland? How about Soundgarden and Audioslave? The instrumentation determines the sound of a band just as much, if not more than, the lead singer. Postal Service was a little more electronic, while DCFC is more rock. Similar vocals obviously, but they are hardly the same band.
  22. Just be careful with eBay "authentics"... some of them are knockoffs. A friend of mine bought a Home Poz authentic and the Blue color is so far off its funny. His dark Navy Home is closer to the Bills throwback royal blue. Other than that the stitching and everything is fine, but he got what he payed for. I'd make sure the seller has a decent rating or you could be getting screwed.
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