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Everything posted by RayFinkle

  1. ....he never took Carolina to the Superbowl, but he does have a nice resume.
  2. Ivy League education to be the President of a NFL franchise? When did that become a requirement? A masters degree to boot? Instead of posing the questions as if their some type of problem, you should feel empowered to use google to answer them yourself. You'll sound smarter next time... It's going to be a looooooong offseason.
  3. Taboo, Taboo II
  4. Normally I don't get caught up in this stuff, but I agree. We had Bledsoe, there was ZERO reason to trade up for JP.
  5. There are countless executives in business who have multi-million dollar salaries. The top CEO in the country this year will make over 130 in total compensation....in one year. Basically, if someone is born with a naturally high IQ, and uses that to their advantage, we applaud that. Yet just because someone is born with natural athletic talent, busts their ass, and makes 350 million, they are somehow villanized.
  6. When I saw this thread, I thought it was tongue in cheek. 6 turnovers an they scored 43....FORTY THREE....points. How many should they have scored? 70? Sounds like the "fans" need a new whipping boy now that they can't complain about Spiller.
  7. The first man to touch the ball was out of bounds and came back in, which was a 5 yard penalty, illegal touch, no option to re-kick. I can understand why you were so angry.
  8. Our number 1 and number 2 running backs went down in the lst, and then we had to win ugly? The humanity...
  9. Thanks for taking the time to post Mrs. Manuel...I mean NY Nole....wink, wink.
  10. Go with the newest model M-1. Finally has built in wireless, so you don't need to hard wire it to your router. It is also the cheapest. Needs to hooked up directly to a cable box, preferably one that isn't being used. The person controlling the slingbox will control the box, so you watch what they watch and vise versa. M-1 provides damn near hd quality. Have a slingbox hooked up at my mother's house in buffalo, I live in nc. Get all the bills and sabres games. Runs the best on a PC, but it also has apps for phones and tablets. Needs windows 7 or higher for PC use with the M-1.
  11. Sullivan has a show? I didn't even realize people still considered him relevant.
  12. Little Man was at Daddy's house for the week. When he got home and Mom saw the damage, she took him to the doctor. I like to think that she was putting her kid first and took him to the doctor for the right reasons.
  13. Those pics are a week after the incident, and they still look that bad...,also, those are just the marks on his legs. Little man also had open wounds on his back, butt and SCROTUM. Have a nice year off scumbag.
  14. Slingbox is always a good option for those living abroad.
  15. Apparently Peter King thinks it's an issue....and considering no one else bothered to run with this TMZish story, I would say no.
  16. yep...they have tried to rebrand the area as a shopping hot spot, which made it even more burby. If you like living in the burbs, it is a great area. If you like what bigger cities have to offer, it definitely isn't the place to be.
  17. Moved to Burlington from WNY about 10 years ago and love it. Gibsonville/Elon is the best area to start looking. It is like a giant suburb here, inbetween Greensboro and Raleigh. Lots of transplants down here, it is a home away from home.
  18. Very interesting bio on Palmer from his work with EXOS... http://www.athletesperformance.com/programs/sport/combine/meet-our-team/
  19. It certainly wasn't intentional, but I think Stewart was trying to spook the kid by gunning it. Tragic.
  20. Spot on...I've lived down in NC for over a decade. My wife taught down here for 10 years. With her masters and national boards she was barely making what she made 5 years ago. VERY demanding job....NC has no clue what their doing. No unions and the state takes full advantage of it.
  21. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2647216/Teacher-39-sex-student-past-year.html Better pics here....and yes.
  22. Well, except for the fact that the sabres were always near the cap under his tenure...they just didn't spend wisely.
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