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Everything posted by RayFinkle

  1. I'm no expert on prisons of the world, but I imagine if you are a privledged white boy being locked up in Peru, your chances of living out your sentence seem pretty slim.
  2. When you take into consideration that this article is posting fiction as fact, it makes the Bills sound better. They were in NO way, shape or form, leading or tied in 14 of 16 games in the 4th.
  3. I believe his dad died, so that ship sailed. He is on his own now.
  4. Is this a serious question?
  5. There is a group of guys at a branch of citibank in ny who are planning their illness now for the day that mag hits the news stand.
  6. They sing other peoples music. An AC/DC cover band sings AC/DC songs, but they aren't AC/DC.
  7. Unfortunately, the original does not hold up. I watched part of it recently. The special effects are so bad by today's standard, it is almost a lol comedy.
  8. Howard Stern hasn't been funny in 15 years and I can't stand him, however I do like to bash him on internet message boards.....
  9. He could be Chris Johnson, he could be Reggie Bush, he could be yet another turd in the punch bowl. Time will tell.
  10. From your experience, what is a smoke monster supposed to sound like? If I was in charge, it would have sounded like two lesbians going at it, but that is just me. I think this would have shortened the series dramatically though. If any of the dudes had been walking through the jungle and heard it, they would go running in the direction of smokey to go check it out. Easy kills for smokey.
  11. I understand not wanting to work for free, but it was pretty dumb on Marshawn's part not to show considering his circumstances.
  12. That was pretty awesome. EDIT: Check out this thread to view the awesomeness..
  13. Did they cut Brohm already?
  14. 1 1/2 hours of lost and 1 hour of commercials. Get the DVD ready...
  15. texting...the downfall of inappropriate relationships.
  16. FX usually has great original programming. I just started watching Rescue Me on netflix a couple weeks ago. I'm halfway through season 4 at this point. Great show. I probably give Justified a chance as well.
  17. This thread makes me want to punch somebody in the face.
  18. Jim Dunaway for those wondering....
  19. Embrace your local sports as in baseball in Arizona or basketball in LA. It does not mean cheer for the !@#$ing flyers in a Philly sports bar. Seriously dude, that is only one step above cheering for the dolphins.
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