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Everything posted by RayFinkle

  1. It was a joke on Last Comic Standing about a week ago.
  2. Show me a teacher who only puts in 40 hours a week and you might have an arguement. Most average 50 to 60.
  3. Mad Dog 357....you should also pick up a gallon of milk, some tums, and some baby wipes.
  4. I think he was just trying to make an all Dallas connection with gailey, parcells, and Phillips. I suspect he almost pulled a hammy reaching for that one.
  5. I think the bills will be new and improved this year, but questioning a fan's loyalty because he thinks the bills will suck again is a bit lame. They have blown ass for a decade, promoted from within again, and hired a HC who was canned as an offensive cooridinator in the preseason last year. That, couple with the fact that they did not address the need positions yet could definitely be recipe for disaster....only time will tell.
  6. Rome wasn't built in a day...or in the Bills case, 10 years.
  7. twenty years...how much has your mom being charging you?
  8. A buddy of mine felt it in Toronto.
  9. I'm not a CW fan, but how can the trade be considered bad if Charlie hasn't even played a down yet for the seahawks?
  10. It will set market value for this offseason.
  11. Reminds me of the time I started wacking off at my inlaws during thanksgiving dinner.
  12. Thanks for the contribution. Nothing like racial slangs on your screen when browsing TBD at work or in front of the family. Stay classy.
  13. That was one heck of a defensive game. The greatest rapist to ever play the game wins another one. Congrats.
  14. I should have known better.
  15. Does that come with a reach around from AJ Smith, or is that extra?
  16. I have an all day bachelor party coming up, and yes icing will be in full effect.
  17. Free agent to be? Being active on game day and having a roster spot are two different things.
  18. That is one of the 3 commandments: 1. Don't !@#$ with a man's family 2. Don't !@#$ witha man's ride 3. Don't !@#$ with a man's right to buy beer
  19. Cliff notes please...
  20. Yeah, we need to immediately release him so we can free up the cap space.
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