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Everything posted by MotionLotion

  1. So we have this co-worker that's a little, how shall I say, off.... Well we've been messing with him pretty bad. We've done things like posting post it's all through his cubicle. There were over 1200 post it's, pretty funny. We also wrapped everything in his cubicle in tin-foil. Well today we sent him over the edge. Me and a couple buddies came in last night and blocked his cubicle doorway with plexiglass and filled his cubicle with that styrofoam popcorn stuff that you pack boxes with. It was filled to the brim..... Well he came to work this morning and lost it. He threw the plexiglass down the hallway spilling the "popcorn" all over the floor and went into his area and started throwing it all over the office cussing up a storm. Well then he just sat on the floor indian style and starting babbling incoherently. My supervisor called the cops and they took him off to see the shrink. Now I kind of feel bad so could you please keep him in your thoughts and pray that we didn't totally mess up his head....
  2. Hey, that song could be sung to the Marines Hymn. Did you just make that up?
  3. Godspeed LA. Maybe your dad will get cast in Rain Man II if they ever catch him that is....
  4. I've given blood many times. Sometimes if the medic pokes through the vein you'll get bad bruising. It'll be gone in a day or two...
  5. I never liked Ghost Recon much. Have you tried SOCOM: Navy Seals yet? I have it on PSP and it's pretty fun....
  6. I don't see nate being worth even 5 mil per. He really showed his deficiencies this year and it is a contract year for him. He's good but I don't think he's "top tier"... Does he still have that lame ass "Playmaker" liscence plate?
  7. And lurking for underage girls on myspace....
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