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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Especially when we come out of the second half and Reich immediately throws an INT ran back for a TD. Talk about a "should have completely taken the wind out of our sails" kind of play.... Andre was a beast that game for sure.... 3 TDs IIRC in the second half....
  2. Great Post.
  3. it had to be called because IIRC everyone around Christie ran up to smack an oiler so that Christie could fall on the ball this game still sends shivers up my spine
  4. pretty much the most beautiful onside kick call and execution ever
  5. I would shave with corroded battery acid if it got the Bills into the playoffs.
  6. It's not a matter of DISPROVING what you said. It's a matter of having FUN and ENJOYING the BILLS with other fans instead of making threads whining about how crappy Bills fans are.... Who gives a s*it what other teams fans think of us! Do you give a s*it what every random person you know thinks of you? I doubt that. And saying bad things about other fans? That's just par for the course. It's a game, and it's called trash talking. This is football! Who gives a sh*t about being consistent? Fandom is hardly a rational matter. We're not hammering out Treaties or working to eradicate third world poverty here, ya know what I'm sayin? GO BILLS!!
  7. Yes. Unfortunately sado-masochism is at an all-time high (and that's saying something, especially since this team is IN THE PLAYOFF HUNT) You would think we'd been demoted to the Arena League or something.
  8. You know what really boggles my mind about a Bills fan like you? Why are you trying so damn hard to knock fellow Buffalo Fans down, like you can't wait to reign judgment on how "average" bills fans are? WTF is up with that? We can all rest assured now that you have judged us all "ordinary". Thanks.
  9. sh*t it's 9:00 in the AM but I'll have one as well
  10. yes, well, i was just stringing out his own shallow logic. Notice he wasn't an Oilers fan before. And were there actually any Oilers fans there at the end?
  11. Great post. The sky isn't falling. We didn't even sell out the Houston Comeback Playoff game either.
  12. LOL, yes, you're right, the whole "amirite" joke was a real winner. I should not have tussled with your verbal prowess
  13. where are you buying your wife from? And who is Amirite Ring? A servant?
  14. that's cool, i'll take your word for it. my point still stands generally however. We all should be more concerned with riduculing and disparaging the born out of wedlock, genetically inferior, untouchable caste, flaming thumbtack worshipping bandwagon Titans fans than infighting amongst ourselves, amirite?
  15. Everyone on both sides of this issue needs to stop being so defensive and "holier than thou". I'm sure every true blue Bills fan would love to be at this game if they could and I'm sure if you choose not to go to the game because you have plans with your family on Christmas Eve that that doesn't make you a f*cktard loser bandwagon fan or somehow more of a "superior family man" than the Bills fans who do go to the game kthnx.
  16. No blackout in the TN area. Just Buffalo area and any CBS station whose signal broadcasts within a 75 mile radius of Buffalo.
  17. but they're a great way to pre-game before that Toby Keith concert at Gaylord Opryland!
  18. yeah but revenue sharing and the salary cap is the reason that the NFL is better than MLB. Without a relatively equal playing field between small-large market clubs, any sports league is going to be subpar. i guess you could say that the "perfect for TV" schedule gives the league the requisite money to allow revenue sharing and the salary cap to be a reality, but you can't have one without the other. The NFL has been light years ahead of MLB because it recognized the need for financial parity long before its time (something MLB hasn't even pulled their head out of the sand about yet) Don't underestimate this vision in the NFL's relative dominance of the marketplace (although, as wilson is complaining about now, it's obviously not a perfect system and is showing signs of tilting towards MLB's disparity)
  19. the icing on the proverbial cake is that tennesseans that are super die hard and really care about football give a sh*t only about the Vols and not the Titans, even if they are from the central part of TN LOL
  20. and that makes you a true titans fan and a bandwagon Bills fan, but since all titans fan became titans fans by jumping off the bandwagon of another team, that makes all true titans fans really bandwagon fans at heart. /book
  21. It seems like Wraith is the only one who's really noticed that this whole argument pages and pages ago morphed from a quasi-debate on statistics to a semantic pissing contest as to who could repeat their own perspective in the most assinine manner for the longest period of time. It is obvious that both sides have equally valid points on this issue, from differing perspectives that address the problem with different semantic matrices. Hence the "error" vs. "Variance" argument, "luck" vs. "variance" argument, and the "mean" vs. "population mean" argument, and the various interpretations of what it means to "regress". If both sides could agree on the meanings of the words used to discuss the issue, I think you would both find that neither side is completely "right" or "wrong" but merely offering slightly differing perspectives that basically recognize the heart of the question while explaining it with slightly differing vocabulary. You don't have to be a statistics expert to recognize this. I don't claim to have the be all and end all answer, but you guys are more frikkin' hysterical than two six year old girls arguing over who gets to play with a barbie doll.
  22. There are 18,400 tickets left as of WGN just now. So I hardly think there will only be 40k. hopefully 60k is more accurate when all is said and done
  23. You just listed the exact definition of a bandwagon fan LOL
  24. 18, 400 tickets left per WGN
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