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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Descartes coined it in the founding charter of the "Tautological Society of Reflexive Self-Awareness"
  2. All I gotta say is the jerkoff from Ally McBeal is gonna get his s*it handed to him by the end of the season and it's going to be great i also like james cromwell as jack's dad.
  3. Stop making so much sense. You're deflating the real politique zealotry of the OP and no one will want to post in such a reasonably milquetoast thread any longer. Don't you know you can't be a true Bills fan if you employ such things as "logic" and "common sense" when articulating a point? Besides, everyone knows that the person who throws the most money at a situation always ends up solving that problem in the most complete and efficient manner. It is also a fact that welshing on standing business agreements for a short term boost is always the best way to expand and grow said business because, like it or not, all business entities do exist in their own respective fishbowls.
  4. Lifetime
  5. I completely agree. Good post. If anything this year, they are going out of there way to show that stereotyping a whole ethnic/religious group based upon the action of a very slender splinter minority, with the dude in the detainment camp and the president's sister etc. hardly straight muslim hate propaganda, especially, like you said, when it turns out that a bald white dude is behind everything anyway....
  6. you're only about a year late very funny though, she is awesome. it doesn't get old.
  7. talk about the worst cut-down ever LOL or is my sarcasm meter out of tune today?
  8. Very doubtful. It's not like anyone thought Parcells was a great guy to begin with. he's still a multiple super bowl winner. parcells has lots of cred to burn.
  9. Awesome. Talk about clusterphuck central.
  10. You realize you are essentially just rehashing the "Donahoe really phucked schit up" argument? It's also not like the Saints added 46 new players last offseason and magically became a playoff team. Most of their players, obviously excepting Drew Brees, were the same players that played last year on a 3-13 team. Isn't it amazing what a real QB and a REAL COACH can do for a team? Because really Sean Payton was the right coach for the right team at the right time. The cards all fell into place with him. he just seems to fit like a glove. Sean Payton was the biggest addition fo r the Saints this year. no doubt about it. The point is, we have a new GM now and because the last one left us in such a pisspoor state in terms of coaching and overall talent, it's going to take more than one year to turn the team into a playoff team. The Saints were already poised with a decent amount of talent on both sides of the ball which had been built up over some time. they just needed the Qb and the right coach, both of which they got (Also, the Saints D isn't exactly world class. it's more like their offense is frikkin awesome. they carry that team) In other words, because donahoe isn't around to take the beating, your new whipping buy is modrak and the other scouts. they don't make the decisions on who to draft/who to sign in free agency. they just provide the info. you say you have all this inside information and that is your ultimate "i really don't have to produce a rational and complete argument" because i KNOW people on the inside and therefore *magic* *magic* modrak sucks. maybe you know people and maybe modrak does suck. but no one is going to buy this schtick when you flaunt it like you are doing in this thread.
  11. in the end, it all comes down to on-the-field production. plain and simple.
  12. LOL, i just don't understand a post like this unless you're just trying to stir the pot. Maybe you are. It is way too early to judge a rookie class one way or the other. Just a few comments: 1, McCargo is completely a question mark, yes, we'll see.... 2, Youboty is another question mark, but there is no reason to think he doesn't have the potential to be a contributor. Since when do all rookies "show squat" their rookie year? 3, Kiwaukee Thomas? most people would say he played decently as a nickel back, although certainly what most people think does not necessarily = truth. personally i don't love him but i don't hate him as well. nickle corners are fairly interchangeable imo. 4, Ko Simpson started at FS for almost the whole year on a secondary that was in the top ten in pass defense, so tell me how horrible he was (certainly like all rookies he made mistakes but its hard to say he "didn't show squat" and was "badly overmatched all year"). 5, Brad Butler? Who knows. 6, Ellison, if you were not impressed with contribution this year, then I don't know what games you were watching. Is he big enough to hold up in a 16 game season year in and year out? Who knows, we'll see, but it sounds like you are nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. He is certainly on the smaller side for sure, there is no denying that. 7, Pennington, say what you want, but the kid held his own out there. Of course he got lots of help, but for a 7th round pick thrown into the fire, he certainly did a decent job. now whether he is the answer at RT is yet to be seen, certainly i think he should be given a fair shot at it, although if another RT comes along i certainly wouldn't be adverse to competition/an upgrade.
  13. Find me the TE on our roster that anybody actually bats an eyelash at in a film room.... Royal and Cieslak scare no one. Sure, royal can block and he is improving as a pass receiver, cieslak seems versatile and a capable back up, but neither one of them is a serious option that can take heat off our WR's in the passing game, plus giving jp a good security blanket... that being said, i for some reason doubt they'd draft a TE high....
  14. the problem is that people will assume that the title of this thread indicates that there is actually some substantive report that the jets have broached interest in mcgahee, which is obviously not the case. the natives tend to get restless about things like this
  15. LOL, yes, i was mainly joking. u both certainly raise good points and i completely recognize them. the only flaw in your reasoning, however, is that baseball sucks and football rules
  16. The real question is: Why would you play baseball when your could play football? And what does that say about the circuitry up in his noggin?
  17. yes, but you forget, because whitner wasn't immediately inducted into the HOF after his rookie year, that means he is not worth the 8th pick. case closed. there is no way he can develop and grow into an even better player if he continues to play because this line of thinking would be what we call a case of "intuitive" logic, which we know is bs because one year is enough to close the book for good on a player.
  18. i thought ol kumar was pretty convincing in 24. he's got some versatile acting chops i guess. more power to him, harold and kumar is a classic
  19. It will seriously be a cold day in hell when Scarlett Johansson takes this role because this is not even a possibility. As much as I would love to see it happen, it ain't happenin', you can take it to the bank, over, done, never was/is a possibility, finito... it is a fun rumor though
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