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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Exactly. Good post.
  2. LOL, yes, we're all in trouble because people disagree with your mock draft picks in a thread because they have opinions as well... OH GOD, THE UNPRECEDENTEDNESS!!! In this case, however, you are just disregarding the NFL draft rules as well. who's full of the "piss and vinegar" here? no one is telling you that you can't have an opinion, we're just showing you the outcome of drafting jeff s. this year..... The point still stands: drafting ol Jeff S. at any spot in this draft is a waste of a pick, plain and simple, no matter where he is drafted. thus, your 7th round mock pick is a moot pick. Simple as that. No big deal.
  3. Also, casting powers boothe as the VP is a great call. he's going to be a mean bastard during the rest of this season.
  4. What a great publicity stunt. Sharon Osbourne has always known how to pull the right business/publicity strings when it comes to ozzfest (maybe not her piss-talent spawn though lol)
  5. Crayonz +1 EndZoneCrew and ThreeBillsDrive -1
  6. I have noticed he is becoming even more breathless when he is talking on the phone to buchannon. like he's really super constipated and doesn't have time to schit because he's running after nukes. this would explain a lot of his behavior this season, the erraticness of course being tied to his bowels, which have to be all kinds of !@#$ed up after being in a chinese prison for so long. just sayin, more so this year than usual, as we always wonder how he finds time to use the restroom...
  7. A couple comments: 1) You are comfortable enough with your opinion that you are willing to discard the highly educated opinion of one of (if not THE) best special teams coach in the NFL about who was his best ST player last year based upon your own subjective notion that "a guy that has no upside as a starter should not have a place on this team"? Do you understand how narrow minded that sounds about the third facet of the game, special teams, which often can make or break a win/loss in this NFL? 2) How much "upside" did Mark Pike have as a starter?
  8. Ok, so you want to wait 3-4 years to figure out if he's going to make it in MLB? Or even longer? I wouldn't be so ready to just take a flyer on even a 7th rounder. Consider how much pennington contributed immediately to us last year. Just doesn't make sense imo, especially when he's already 100% committed himself to baseball with a guaranteed money multi-year contract.
  9. This is a good move. Admit it, coy wire haters. He fills his specific niche of special teams demon/captain quite admirably. And who knows, maybe he can play LB in a pinch/emergency situation, which would be nothing but a bonus.
  10. Poor Aaron Rodgers LOL
  12. when hermione comes of age and gets naked, let me know. kthnx.
  13. Donahoe's gone? I shouldn't have bought that gray fox scarf!!
  14. Yes, not as funny as "Office Space", but still worth seeing and a good, smart satire. definitely did not deserve to be s*itcanned by Fox.
  15. i'll cop to having been a philo major so this joke never gets old for me
  16. well said, sir.
  17. His point is that this doesn't make him a Pro Bowl Starting QB.
  18. Rusty Jones is not a 1-tech DT though so we don't need him.
  19. yes, and shouldn't it be "I think... therefore i think, "I think I am"..... it's an ad nauseum infinitely looping semantic cluster!@#$ of I-ness that was only brought to divine completion when Tedy Bruschi took the football field in the late 20th and the WORD became ONE with the Godhead once more...
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