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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Muck and Gunk?!?!?! Ball of Beer, is this true?
  2. Who's joking? Steely Dan has Pinkie Pie and won't let her go unless I find some green pieces of paper and give them to him. Who wants green pieces of paper?
  3. Let's be honest: he couldn't "defend" himself even if he had the chance.
  4. OH SNAPAROONS! Wait.... didn't she have a snuke in her sniz though? Is that the same as invisible prunes in crotch gardens?
  5. The !@#$ers can put me on whatever list they want.
  6. Do earth females grow invisible prunes in their crotches? Maybe she pulled one of them out?
  7. Ah.... I see the misunderstanding. So there are no prune trees on earth? I see. They are grown in Florida, then, by a different method. The crotch-garden method does not sound as palatable for child's play, though. Would that be a fair assumption?
  8. Prunes grow while on Nordland. Children flock to Prune groves and skip merrily through the Prune Trees. Sometimes the Prune Trees get a little frisky and stretch out a branch and do the marilyn monroe thing to the girls skirts. But the trees are harmless.
  10. I would say they've learned a lot from each other. One thing is for sure: Bill Clinton was and is, without a doubt, one of the most talented politicians of his generation. The man just has the gift. Which puts him pretty high on the "people whose life I'd like to snuff out" list.
  11. I just spoke to a Canadien.... but I had to blow out the back of his skull with a Walter PPK. He talked back. Who wants to hear them talk? It's like nails on a chalk board.
  12. Thanks for posting this, btw. More people need to be aware of the factors involved in the pricing. God knows the !@#$ing politicians will never provide them with such information
  13. What if its Losmi Peters in the tree?
  14. I don't know. Did you ask Clemenza about this plan?
  15. Exactly. Its like the old afourism: "Never pluck a may schooner from the hinterlands of antelope carcasses". This should be kept in mind visa vee Peters.
  16. Yeah, you would also think people would want to wait to see how the sex change operation goes before tossing more money at him/her....
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