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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. I'm sure he's a great guy. That's not the issue. It has absolutely nothing to do with that. It is just my opinion that it was a poor choice of title and a poorly worded OP, which set the debate off on the wrong foot to begin with. He seemed to take things personally when people did not respond the way he thought they should, which is rather bizarre, imo, but like you said, I don't know him and I'm certainly not passing any judgments on him outside of that one thread (as I don't take anything posted on this board with more than a grain of salt, including anything I post )
  2. Maybe next time don't publish your opinion about something on a public internet forum if you don't want to hear responses to that opinion.
  3. The problem with that thread wasn't the pessimism but the title and wording of his post. He brought on and asked for that kind of debate.
  4. who says we have to? that is a large oversimplication.
  5. It's rather convienient to be able to downgrade someone's humanity, isn't it? Without Doubt. But to call someone who commits suicide "not much of a human being" is a superficial blanket judgment from behind a computer screen that is rather crude, harsh and a large oversimplification imo. You are encapsulating his life into its last event and judging his whole life based upon it.
  6. It's also very easy to be a pessimist.
  7. Why would you have sympathy for any human being?
  8. And in a related story.... Kate is still hot as hell. Especially in HD.
  9. he won't be there, but if he is, i think we do have to take him, i agree. i wouldn't trade up for him, though.
  10. No. Good RB's grow on trees practically and can be had in later rounds. now that it looks like that we will finally have a decent o-line *crosses fingers*, we also do not need to give up too much for a RB.
  11. i'll have to defer to the master's opinion on this matter but i think i'm going to start with the red crayons and if i'm still hungry, go to the blues, like a royal blue.
  12. good move. a win-win situation for a-train and the bills. we need another RB, preferably through the draft, and we will be ready to go i think
  14. That's a direct quote from the first chapter of "As*hole for Dummies", right?
  15. O rly? I was thinking "Burnt Sienna"
  16. Now I want to eat some crayons. What's the best tasting flavor?
  17. This is a great answer.
  18. *watches self importance go to DC Tom's head*
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