Capri Sun? I did not realize this but it does make sense as I think about it. Squirrels are sneaky little bastards that look innocent but contain deceitful multitudes, much like a pouch of Capri Sun Product. It looks rather innocent but when you try to insert the straw into the proscibed insertion area, the pouch almost resists like it has a mind of its own. Who has ever been able to insert the straw in the so called "insert here" area? The straw somehow magically enters in another location, and if you do get too close to the insertion area, the pouch pulls a hara-kiri and rips itself open, sacrificing its liquid into the firmament to protect whatever secrets its guards. If I had to hazard a guess, I would suspect that the so called "juice" is some dark magic formula used to infiltrate and reconfigure our bodily fluids on a cellular level, much like DC Tom and the commies tried to do in the 50s and the 60s with the flouride in water.