Yeah but his mother tried to have him killed and she was a heinous witch beast of a demoness. Also, I think that Tony post-shooting is different from Tony pre-shooting.
Yes, i did notice this. A patented Sopranos WTF novelistic touch that either portends something or is just a little touch added for dramatic flair
maybe about adriana?
yes, i agree.
To me, they just get better and better. i'm of the opinion that this show has only gotten better and better as it has deepened its character studies and gone into the psychological aspects of their relationships more. i don't need to see a guy get whacked every show for me to be as excited to watch it. to me it's the closest thing i've seen on TV to a literary sensibility. like this last episode: most of it was them sitting around by the lake, lots of still shots, quiet scenes, but so full of stuff to chew over. so yes i agree