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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Yes, i was still thinking in the pre-NFLN days where 4 was pretty much the max, iirc
  2. Okay, so Thanksgiving counts as primetime? well !@#$! I stand corrected!
  3. Dear God, I hope we crush the dumbass into the ground. That would be orgasmic.
  4. Yeah i call bull sh-- as well. there's no way the cowboys have 7 night games. that's never happened before ever. edit: an absolutely genius 1000th post
  5. Trust me, I do feel your pain
  6. Can you possibly be more or a buzzkill?
  7. I like your style
  8. That's good to know. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. Out of all the things to mention as a possible conspiracy theory, you pick a home opener against Denver?
  10. Hopefully you won't embarrass the drunks !
  11. The whole schedule hasn't been posted yet
  12. it would be super mega awesome. and it's always the messengers fault There is no DUE PROCESS on TSW!
  13. In 38 minutes, if I find out you're lying to me, I'm going to jump through the internets and pop out of your ethernet port and beat the crap out of you with a rubber hose
  14. Pyongyang Hilary's Sniz The Marianas Trench Siberia Fernando Poo
  15. Not gonna happen. Mike Williams is not a Marv Guy. Neither is Ricky Williams. Pipe Dreams, ladies and gentlemen, pipe dreams....
  16. i really hope this is true.
  17. Yes, I'm aware. i'm very confident the parker and stone are creative enough to incorporate imus and sharpeton into a new episode, be it a kind of "sequel" of not....
  18. This was the best episode of the season so far, imo.
  19. Yeah but his mother tried to have him killed and she was a heinous witch beast of a demoness. Also, I think that Tony post-shooting is different from Tony pre-shooting. Yes, i did notice this. A patented Sopranos WTF novelistic touch that either portends something or is just a little touch added for dramatic flair maybe about adriana? yes, i agree. To me, they just get better and better. i'm of the opinion that this show has only gotten better and better as it has deepened its character studies and gone into the psychological aspects of their relationships more. i don't need to see a guy get whacked every show for me to be as excited to watch it. to me it's the closest thing i've seen on TV to a literary sensibility. like this last episode: most of it was them sitting around by the lake, lots of still shots, quiet scenes, but so full of stuff to chew over. so yes i agree
  20. I would have to go back and look at some individual episodes to give a more detailed answer, but Tony touched on it this last episode, how he basically built Christopher into the mob and divested himself of day-to-day demands etc. to add a buffer zone between him and the mob activities. So the fact that he doesn't do any of the day to day work seems to help. Also, i think the feds are just waiting until they have a good enough case to pull the trigger (i.e. this last episode when they come in to the county prosecutor's offense and B word him out (rather funny i may add) about filing the gun charges against Tony when they've been working on a RICO case against him for 5 years. sounds like they don't want to leave any stone uncovered and make sure they have an airtight case) i think a big part of the mystery of the show is the hovering FBI that is always there but hasn't yet really shown its hand/played its cards with respect to tony yet. it seems obvious now that something is going to give on this end if the episode that just aired is any indication. maybe someone else can offer a better answer.
  21. There is a South Park episode begging to be made about this whole fiasco
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