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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. I know what I would say about it. And I think you may misunderstand me. I'm not defending Bush or criticizing Clinton or doing the opposite. I wanted to know exactly what you were saying, as it could be a variety of things. And if you are referring to a Vonnegut book, I can't seem to get which one you are referencing at the moment. Alas.... If you are saying that Clinton didn't go because he didn't want to seem to be exploiting the situations for political expediency, then that seems like a reasonable hypothesis. But the climate today is even more PC and whiplash sensitive than it was in Clinton's day (witness the Imus fiasco), and Bush got a sh-- ton of criticism for not bringing his Presidential self down to New Orleans soon enough after Katrina, and couple that with the fact that most people think he is a pretty inept in general, he is naturally going to respond hella quickly to a situation such as this. As would any president in today's hypertense and sensitive political climate.
  2. They measure BJ numbers?
  3. Because he's a soul sucking cyborg from planet Zyclon? I'm not sure what you're getting at....
  4. I certainly see the point. I was just saying that as President, it's his job to do what he is doing and to expect a President not to do what he's doing is to not understand, imo, what role the POTUS plays in our society as of 2007. Any President would have gone to VaTech, democrat or republican, regardless of their current popularity (or lack thereof) or how hypocritical it may seem to a minority or majority of the population....
  5. Quite true. But they're doing it more out of political necessity than ingrained rational principle, though, methinks...
  6. I don't think it's a matter of he's going to wave his magic POTUS wand and comfort everyone. I think it's a matter of just showing up, which is essentially a symbolic act that represents the concern and sadness of the rest of us Americans who obviously can't do anything but say a prayer or some other equivalent gesture. Who are we to judge whether or not Bush visiting the campus does or does not offer some condolesence to people there? None of us are in that situation and thus if Bush showing up might help in some small way to some group of people, then the visit is a plus, imo.
  7. "You mean lavatories aren't usually mobile and hauled to and fro by clean shaven redcoat lords?"
  8. I question whether that's legit, but at any rate, it certainly doesn't stretch the imagination to think this guy wrote it....
  9. And really, what kind of dimwit asks The Queen of England where the crapper is? If there's anything noteworthy about this story, it's that the girlfriend's mother is a few bricks shy of a load in the "NO SH--" department...
  10. Yes, hardly a four-alarm WTF....
  11. They're all politicians and are required by the political machine that is American Democracy to hit certain benchmarks and be certain places and smile for certain cameras at certain opportune moments, whether or not they are genuinely motivated by concern or not (which is funny: because a person can feel concern internally but also act in the public sphere in a way that seems contrived and superficial. One's internal feelings and external actions do not necessarily cancel the other out). This is hardly a Republican or Democratic issue but merely a general political one that is the mark of the beast, so to speak, as they are both "guilty" of it or engage in the necessary machinations, depending on your perspective.
  12. This is and has been far and away the best argument for Pos over Willis. Funny that most Pos fanbois don't even mention this (or know it)
  13. What exactly is right on?
  14. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18149774/
  15. Yes, if the last episode is any indication, this would seem to be the way it's going to go, imo.
  16. Dare I LOL in this thread, as that would obviously be synonymous with me pissing on someone's grave and God knows the sum total of a person's humanity is based on posts they make on an internet forum....?
  17. Knocked that one out of the park!
  18. One dead kitten is worth all the masturbation, imo.
  19. Maybe, but her biggest problem is that she has no ass. But what are you going to do?
  20. We'll just have to agree to disagree then
  21. Yes, but can he play MLB in the Cover-2? That's the basic question. Different systems require different types of players. Just because he was effective in Denver's scheme does not mean he would be in ours.
  22. I love how you can twist people's words around so that they now have no respect for the dead, as if discussing the various ramifications surrounding this whole tragedy somehow connotes that.
  23. Also "Bend it Like Beckham" and "Domino" (which kinda sucked imo)
  24. you say that like it's a bad thing next you're gonna say that chicks that weave braids of their armpit hair aren't sexy either!!
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