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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Cool, I know nothing about this guy, but the song was so damn perfect over the ending there that it really stuck with me. i will have to check him out and also that music of the sopranos thing.
  2. It was very cool. I don't know what it is. I'm going to investigate *dashes off into the internets to investigate* *Dashes back into TSW from the internets* It's called "Evidently Chickentown" by John Cooper Clarke
  3. I think you miss my point.... Germans love David Hasslehoff!
  4. Well said It's the same kind of thing with "The Sopranos" in a lot of ways.
  5. So the Chinese knew 30 seconds after Jack killed Fayed and captured the bombs that CTU had possession of the bombs?
  6. I was more referring to stepping on the NY families toes, or someone else not in the NJ family....
  7. Yeah, classic Paulie again... Says the most dumbass wrong thing at the wrong time and is completely oblivious. It was also funny when he got mad at the writer when he came to the Bing to tell Tony that the boss character was his idea.... it's actually pretty amazing now that i think about it that paulie has survived this long...
  8. Yeah, good point about Christopher. He never mentioned that to Tony. Another little thing that could be !@#$ing with Tony's mind.... and yeah, they've been setting up paulie for some kind of fall for a while now... i definitely see something coming his way....
  9. Some people just can't appreciate insiteful thinking, Beerball
  10. I loved when Paulie answered his cell phone during the movie premier. Classic Paulie. I've got a feeling he's going to play a pivotal roll in some murderin' that is going to happen.
  11. That was a serious post, dude.
  12. And the Chinese all of a sudden back in the picture and all of a sudden horseface isn't dead and they all of a sudden want the FBCSD83924 Circuit board in the Russian snukes and they just happen to call right after Jack makes the terrorists his personal B word once again for the first time is just a little sketchy in terms of plot flow. Although that episode was the best of this season, imo. But still, would ANY president in his right mind no matter how much he "owed" an agent authorize that operation to recover horseface when the board could be possibly turned over into chinese hands? No way. Especially after WWIII had just been averted....uh hell no.
  13. Yes, I agree! Did you also know that if you acquire 4 picks in any given round you can trade those four picks in for two picks in the next round higher! I think that is the plan. We can definitely trade Tim Anderson for a 3rd round pick and then move someone else for a 3rd round pick, maybe the A-TRAIN, and then trade our 4 second round picks in for two more 2nd round picks!!
  15. Yes there are. Drop a sh-- ton of LSD into the water supply around the whole world. Duh.
  16. JACK'S GONE ROGUE!! OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!1! Where the hell is ol James Cromwell btw?
  17. Cincy's probably having too much fun at my expense to actually make a coherent post on this topic
  18. That's good to know. Thanks for the heads up
  19. And you do a nice "be as vague as possible to bait me" shtick
  20. And JaMarcus has the added burden of having two capitalized letters in his first name! That, like, doubles the initial processing time!!
  21. Evidently you're not familiar with my patented "in love with my own sense of humor" smiley face employment
  22. Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
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