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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Yeah, i know what you're talking about, and i can't really remember who talks to who when. I just got the impression in the last episode that agent harris was intimating that he talked to christopher recently, as in very recently. not sure about last season now.
  2. Winning by 2 goals does not = squeaking by. That's like a sports law. Find another adjective, !@#$sticks.
  3. Resident alien, I believe.
  4. Oh, but beer is the only thing that tastes better with a cigarette, Cincy, you should know that!
  5. Please do so. I would be honored.
  6. Marv is really old, Beerball. When he gives pressers, he gets so nervous that he dribbles poo into his pants and he's so embarrassed that he says things like giving away our whole draft and telling everyone who we're going to pick. Evidently he drank to much Pepsi Clear some years ago and that has accelerated the aging process so now he has the bodily functioning control of a three year old child or something like that.
  7. So you think forcing others to do something shows respect of any kind by the person you are forcing? Do you understand the nature of respect? That it is something that must be freely given by a person towards another person, institution, country, God, etc.? The only thing that is shown by forcing someone to take off their hat is disrespect of another human being's autonomy, however distasteful you, others, or myself might find it. So how does that breed respect for flag and country in other people?
  8. The Onion hits the nail on the head, as usual
  9. No problem and your welcome!
  10. What if I danced the cha cha with a duck billed platypus and took a crap in a mason jar?
  11. For a five year old?
  12. Sure, and I understand that completely. But you were talking about forcing other people to take their hat off, which is a completely different story.
  13. I think the point is is that it should be something one does themself and not something one is forced into doing by someone else. How does the person you are forcing to take their hat off show respect by you forcing them? The voluntary act of a person doing it out of their own volition is what shows respect.
  14. I remove a gonad from anyone who does not take off their hat. Then I sew it back on later if they buy me a beer.
  15. I'm quite fetching too, if I may be so bold! Me on the Prowl!
  16. O rly? What Gallery have you been watching? He's a player. He's just misunderstood!
  17. Does this mean I have to burn my collection of "Hello Kitty" paraphrenalia for crimes against humanity?
  18. Beerball, I figured it out! We can trade 8 5th round draft picks for a 33rd pick in the 1st round! So if we unload Stamer, Haggan, A-Train, Shaud Williams, Roscoe, Aiken, and Tim Anderson for 5th round draft picks and couple these 7 with the 5th round pick that we currently have, we can get back into the 1st round! Thank God Marv didn't let this one drop! More insite, imo!
  19. Of course, they're going to START Walker initially with the money they paid him. How well he plays for us no one will know until he actually plays, but he is going to start. Just actually think about it for a second and you will realize this.
  20. Fair enough, just wondering
  21. :beer: And the truth shall set you free!
  22. !@#$ Leinart
  23. Yet your mock in your sig has us drafting Harris in Rd 2?
  24. Yeah, I know what episode you are talking about. But Christopher comes up with that on his own. The Feds never came up to him and asked him to look out for it, if I recollect rightly. So when he was telling Tony his suspicions, i think he conjured them up on his own in his definitely classic Moltisanti leap in logic fashion. I think what was different about the last episode is that was the first time tony or us had heard about the feds talking to christopher, but I could be mistaken. maybe someone else can clear this up....
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