One could also say that factors that are common to religion in general manifest in various ways through various religions, often producing violence in one sort or another due to dogmatic beliefs about the nature of the universe and who "holds the key(s) to the kingdom", so to speak.
Religion (as it has existed so far), in this day and age, is an anachronistic mode for modeling consciousness and the human experience of that consciousness in the universe. Single-valued logic that only allows binary formulation of experience limits one's ability to develop and transform new schema for modeling and understanding the universe. Why do humans feel the necessity to hold on to thousands of years old modeling systems that do not compute with our present day experience of the universe? They feel the need because these systems give a sense of continuity to life as well as a sense of purpose that, due to how the systems have been constructed and indoctrinated, states that there is some "essence" to life that is somehow the "ground" of all experience. Or, in other words, there's a "reason" why you're alive and why the universe does not comport to our religious modeling of it. But has anyone ever experienced an "essence" before? Has anyone ever located somewhere, something, or some time in the universe that is not a product of constant transformation?
Beware those that NEED to construct a universe that revolves around themselves or their religion. They are willing to go to any lengths to bring about the revelation and realization of what their religion dictates. Religion, because it instills "essence" into our experience, is so far the ultimate human justification for any action that one desires. When our models of the world do not comport with our experience of the world, how can there not be strife?