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Sketch Soland

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    East Tennessee

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  1. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6507136891691870450#
  2. I would have gone for a 13 year old, but that's just me.
  3. Word. I concur. Doc Jensen is pretty good sh--. I always enjoy his commentary.
  4. Hi. Can I post in this thread?
  5. Okay, pecan pancakes. But that's as far as I go.
  6. "Not noted in the report was the happenstance finding that this proto homo sapien species used ivory instead of wood to carve their chess pieces...."
  7. Yeah, right on this wavelength as well. I expect the unexpected however. "Dead" on Lost is a quavering thing, though. Juliet will be "around" in 6 but in what state? Je ne sais pas.
  8. Aw shucks, just writin' from the heart and all that sh--.....
  9. I just want to say: I LOVE LOST! WHAT A GREAT FRAKKIN' SHOW!
  10. Cincy, do you live in Quahog? Or watch the show "Family Guy"?
  11. Didn't read any other replies, but wouldn't you want to wait until the last possible moment before you IR'd Hardy? That only makes sense, strategical wise and all. Methinks yo thread is a might premature.
  12. It's just HIGH EXPECTATIONS, pardon the caps. But many younger-ish fans (like me) were weened on their Bills fandom during the Super Bowl Consecutive run. That's why, in short. It's just fandom blue balls, yo.
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