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  1. As a Bills fan in Phoenix who doesn't get to hear the local Buffalo sports radio, nor has the time to read every last scrap of info about the Bills on the net, why do you feel Bobby April would be a bad pick to be HC? I'm not saying that Bobby April would make a good HC, I just want to understand your viewpoint of why he wouldn't. As an outsider looking in, all I see is that his special teams have been outstanding year in, year out. I think he's ready for more responsibility as an OC or DC at the very least.
  2. Recheck your math. That's a .588 winning percentage.
  3. The biggest idiot during the final minutes of that game was that pathetic excuse for a sportscaster Dick Enberg. They go for two - they make it and Dick gleefully shouts "and the Broncos win!" Here's a newsflash oh genius paid to know what the hell is going on during the football game: There's 24 seconds left on the clock, the two teams have combined to score 77 points so far, it's *very* possible that another field goal could have been kicked. Do us all a favor and retire, your calls of the game have been atrocious for almost two decades now. And kudos to our own Steve Tasker who knows what's going on by telling the lead announcer (Gus Johnson I believe) that no, Jacksonville is *not* "forced" to punt and they in fact didn't punt. Typical pet peeve for the followers of TMQ - nice to see one of our own 'gets it'. Personal opinion of Shanahan's call: In a high scoring game where you're moving the ball at will, I don't have a problem with it. If the score was 13-12, in a tight defensive battle then by all means kick the XP.
  4. That would explain my wife then!
  5. I hadn't seen this posted on the wall yet, apologies if it's a repeat. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3571246 Get well soon Mr. Branch, and by soon I mean no sooner than Monday.
  6. I had this conversation with my son this summer. He is 13 and to set the scene, he had been sent to bed 30 min prior... Son: Dad, can I have some Tums? Me: What's wrong that you feel you need Tums, are you feeling nauseated? Son: No. Me: Are you having really bad gas? Son: No. Me: Are you having diarrhea? Son: No. Me: If you aren't nauseated, having gas problems or diarrhea why do you feel you need Tums? Son: I just did 200 sit-ups in my room and my stomach hurts. Me: Go to bed you idiot.
  7. I always thought he resembled Mr. Mackey from South Park.
  8. I'll be in my living room in Glendale AZ watching it on the big screen - wishing desperately that I could be there. At least I'm able to get all the games this year and watch them in style.... and with an ICE COLD GENNY IN HAND! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get Genny Cream Ale in Arizona?! GO BILLS! -Rook in Az P.S. Memo to JP: Get back in the fold, you're making me absolutely insane.
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