I agree with this. A policy of handing the forfeiting team a loss will encourage other teams not to take any chances like the Titans did with their off-campus unofficial practice.
And also, 5-0 baby!!
And if this is not the year, then I’m sure there will somehow be a next year as he goes for the JT Barrett award for being on the team forever and ever.
The president was careful not to congratulate Michigan. Donny’s really pushing my buttons now lol.
(Press secretary gaffe— she said Mississippi instead of Michigan.)
Ohio State coach Ryan Day said Wednesday that Davis and cornerback Shaun Wade, another opt-out, are considering a return.
"They both shared with me that they wanted to play football with their teammates and now the opportunity is here."
The Blackwell Inn would make sense. On campus, next to the Shoe and close to the facilities, university owned and operated, nice place. Although there are a bunch of chain hotels a bit closer to the Woody.
Plenty can and will happen as we change into the flu season during a pandemic, and so I'll continue to take a "I'll believe it when they kick the ball" attitude, but this is awesome and a great relief. Go Bucks and go win the whole damn thing.
Are these a$$holes from other schools intentionally delaying a vote to peel off NFL talent from OSU's roster?
Wade said the failure to vote yesterday led to his decision this morning. Davis may come back but only if a decision is made fast. Something stinks about this delay.
And yes, I admit I'm posting in anger.
“I am deeply saddened that my time in a Buckeye uniform has been cut short, but promise that my contributions to The Ohio State University are just getting started. I am committed to earning my degree from The Ohio State and making Buckeye Nation as proud of me as an alumnus as I hopefully did as a player. I am forever proud to be an Ohio State Buckeye!”
Something about the college game hits different....
The B1G has been such a clown show that I'm only half paying attention at this point. We seem to be in a cycle of rumors stacked on rumors that build to a crescendo in the form of an official statement that fall sports were canceled a month ago and nothing has changed. I will have no hope or belief in a season this year until I see the players line up.