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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. First class organization and fanbase. I'll have no problem rooting for the Bengals when they're not playing against us
  2. Not afraid of any team nor should you be if your team is a true Super Bowl contender. Would definitely prefer to not have to play BOTH KC and Cincy though
  3. The Josh Allen factor
  4. We already knew this team has talent...but today's game showed me this team has HEART! Impressive Win
  5. Somewhere in the middle
  6. My heart says Yes...but my bank account says No
  7. Thank You Sabres!! Much needed win after everything the city has been dealing with
  8. He was talented in his prime but he was such a Diva....Don't think he would've fit in well with the locker room we have
  9. These are both great stories!
  10. It really is a sad reality of modern times, especially in 2020 once Covid became a thing and everybody wanted to weigh in with their two cents. I think social media and the way we use it to communicate also plays a LARGE role in these types of issues. Although my original post was more about naturally drifting away from our childhood friends as we grow up I do think this point is a good spinoff to the conversation because I have heard stories of people losing long-time friends over politics, social issues etc.
  11. For those who still have a relationship to this day with your best friend from childhood don't ever take it for granted, that's a blessing!
  12. Nathanial "Can't" Hackett- Chris Berman probably
  13. I'm sure most of us all had that childhood best friend we spent a lot of time with as kids. Do you still have any contact with that person today? If not when did you drift apart from that friend? I was super close with mine all throughout childhood, to the point people would get our names mistaken for each others lol. We lived in the same neighborhood and met in the 1st grade. We hung out all the time, sleepovers you name it. Our families even became very close. So yeah best friends who talked and hung out all the time through all of Elementary school and maybe halfway into Middle School. I'd say by the end of middle school the seeds were planted that we were starting to branch out and go our separate ways. We still talked and remained friends with each other through high school but by then the dynamic had changed and it wasn't the same. A part of the problem too was by the end of high school his parents went through a divorce and both did their own thing so that killed the families hanging out dynamic. I have literally only run into him one time after high school and even that was probably about 13 years ago. The funny thing is we both live in the same general hometown area so it's surprising I haven't run into him more often as anybody who lives in WNY will tell you it's a pretty small world around here. It's crazy how at one stage of life you can be so close to somebody and then they become a complete stranger or memory of the past. I hope someday we cross paths again and can take a stroll down memory lane.
  14. He actually came out and said that in the public? I don't remember this lol. By then we were already well into the polished press conference era. If a coach said that in the 80s or 90s I wouldn't be shocked in the least but I'm surprised that happened at that point haha
  15. He'll never be able to pull a hot Mom ever again
  16. Although not the ultimate goal yet you need to celebrate the little accomplishments along the way...and this is certainly one of them. Go Bills!
  17. Was just talking to family and it looks like we are shelving the Christmas Even plans for tomorrow. I'll probably just end up watching the football games all day tomorrow. We are still shooting to gather on Sunday as of right now. How is the storm affecting your Christmas?
  18. What Holiday movies do you have on deck?
  19. RIP Franco...before my time but I have nothing but absolute respect for the icons of my favorite sport
  20. No Holiday themed games at my office...just lots and lots of potlucks
  21. Buffalo tends to get a once in a generation storm every year it seems like
  22. You going to the game? Curious to see how many Bills fans will be in attendance for this one
  23. I do think there’s an element of ‘there’s snow, let’s throw it’. Kid stuff nostalgic stuff. I can live with that. Bingo...this is what it felt like to me. Not the same as Philly fans putting batteries inside of Snowballs and pelting them at Players. I was sitting in the 100 level and saw Bills fans get hit with snow coming from the Upper Deck and they just laughed it off. It was just a festive atmosphere after all this hype of a Saturday night primetime game against Miami that was going to be a Snowgame.
  24. Found the game I was referring to New England v.s. Miami 2003. Same exact thing
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