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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. This reminds me of when a "good guy" Wrestler would turn heel and change into a "bad guy" and act way more flamboyant and arrogant and then the fans would chant "You Sold Out!" 😂😂
  2. Best supporting cast of characters of all-time! I can't think of anything else that compares unless you are allowing The Simpsons in the conversation
  3. Basic Instinct is an absolute classic
  4. Kim Kardashian* Fixed it for you
  5. What episode was her Aunt in!?
  6. Something I have noticed a lot more recently is whenever the show Seinfeld comes up on 90s Nostalgia pages and Twitter etc....there seems to be a split down the middle between people that think the show feels outdated now v.s. those that think it holds up pretty well. I mean yeah there's no smartphones, social media, or Uber references etc but take away those aspects and the show still feels pretty solid to me. I think the humor and the storylines that revolve around dealing with random people or the nuances of dating and society in general are still pretty relevant. There's other shows from back then I really liked...and still do...but do feel very outdated now. Something like Married with Children would be a good example of that for me.
  7. I was just busting your chops, I hear ya
  8. Sounds like your more up on the social media scene than you give yourself credit for
  9. I wouldn't have a problem with that
  10. I think people were more optimistic about Dorsey going into last season than how the results panned out. I don't think he is looked at as a strength at the moment.
  11. Way too many people on here naming Donte Whitner....at no point in time did he ever make Marv Levy &Co look like geniuses In fact, it was quite the opposite 😄
  12. He was trying to make it to the Rub N Tug before they closed
  13. Seems like he has a great personality. Will be a perfect fit for our locker room and community
  14. I was surprised by how many people were automatically picking the Leafs as the favorites to come out of the Eastern Conference now because if you watched the series against Tampa they got outplayed during most of it but were saved by an incredible performance by Samsanov and some questionable calls from the refs...but there's no winning that way is going to be sustainable all the way to the Finals.
  15. My biggest problem with the Bills is how soft we are in the trenches...between this and the Torrence pick that tells me Beane knows how big of a weakness that has been for us. Loving these moves
  16. Go Devils...Buffalo is rooting for ya Lindy! P.S. What an incredible first round of playoff hockey that was
  17. Go Panthers!!! This is a nice consolation for the Leafs winning lol....God the NHL Playoffs are amazing...the Blue and Gold better be there next year!!!
  18. I hate both teams but I can appreciate an awesome playoff series, I'll be watching. But Boston still has to get by Florida first and that's no lock either.
  19. Even though I hate both franchises, a potential Toronto-Boston series in Round 2 is going to be pretty epic too
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