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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I don't have anything against them and was super happy for the team and fans that they just won the championship but I've never been able to get into the Bandits
  2. Apparently there is going to be a Season 2 of this series....Sheesh how many secrets could possibly be left after everything they already talked about in Season 1?
  3. So did anybody go and check this out?
  4. I thought it was a great game, looking forward to the rest of the series
  5. I mean it's a real thing so I'm sure most Donut places are doing deals and specials like that but what I'm referring to is I can't picture people really embracing it as a Holiday in most other places but I feel like in Buffalo people take it seriously! Paula's was packed this morning with people lined up to bring in Donuts for their co-workers; I didn't listen but I saw that Shred and Ragan(local morning radio talkshow here in WNY) was having somebody on from Tops Markets to talk about Donut Day, I see people sharing posts on Facebook about it being Donut Day lol....It is definitely a "thing" here in Buffalo
  6. Dude the Sopranos is one of the greatest shows of all-time!...and wings would def be a bigger priority if you lived in the Buffalo area lol I definitely don't embrace the "table-jumping Bills Mafia" aspect of being a Bills fan
  7. The Sabres did the same thing
  8. Thurman was the Bills GOAT at blocking as a RB...only other running back I would put over him at blocking was Walter Payton
  9. That's the thing...I think most people are unaware of it...except here in Buffalo. Of course it's a holiday Western New Yorkers embrace LOL
  10. Just had an interesting observation this morning. I would say the National Donut Day thing has become pretty big in WNY. Probably being pushed by people's love for Paula's Donuts. I stopped by a local one this morning to bring some in for co-workers and people were lined up outside before they even opened up waiting to buy Donuts. Then I was talking to a co-worker of mine in New Jersey this morning on Zoom and she had no idea it was even a holiday...which got me thinking is this another one of those Western New York things? Actually celebrating National Donut Day? Does anywhere else do this?
  11. Never heard of this guy before but I've always had an appreciation for the old school Sportswriter types so this is still happy and saw news to hear about. Good for him, sounds like he will be missed!
  12. Who are you referring to? Bennett has stated he wants to be on the Wall
  13. BUMP Part 1 debuts tonight on ESPN at 7:30 ET
  14. This Stanley Cup Finals outcome could only happen to Buffalo sports fans
  15. I had an MJ and Scottie jersey...but I always wanted a Rodman back then
  16. Makes sense...a ton of Valuables there
  17. To a certain degree I collect Sports Memorabilia and at least like checking stuff like that out(there's some places in the Eastern Hills Mall if you are into that sorta thing) and this is something I would have an interest in going to but I am not going to take off work for it Thursday or Friday and I have stuff going on Saturday unfortunately.
  18. This is pretty fun...some real gems in here! A few things that stuck out to me: -I just miss when the overall NFL presentation looked like this -So many hard hits back then -Special teams was actually fun to watch then and the Bills had an amazing Special Teams unit at the time -If Fred Smerlas was still here in 1990 that might have been enough of a difference to beat the Giants in the Super Bowl -Judging by the stadium shots people just seemed like they were having more fun in 1988
  19. Wow I watched Family Matters but I don't think I remember this episode!
  20. This looks pretty good, I remember watching the show at my best friend's house sometimes but we were pretty young and it's been so long ago now I don't remember it too well but I'm sure this will bring back some memories. It was definitely pretty popular back in the day
  21. I'd be super happy for Josh is he pulled himself Torrie Wilson
  22. That's a pretty impressive story! I loved those Chicago Bulls teams in the 90s, if I was a Chicago native I don't think my love for any other team/era would've surpassed that!
  23. This is probably the only scenario you will ever see me root for a Florida team
  24. Go Panthers...beat Vegas next!
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