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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Yep the Dolphins game just took things up a few notches....and it feels incredible. I'm more than happy to eat some crow. This is how I want to feel about my team It's starting to feel like this is the most complete team we have seen under the Beane/McDermott regime and so many players are playing at an extremely high level right now. The excitement level is 100% back...after the Dolphins game one of the guy's in my group made the comment that game made the Home Opener against the Raiders feel like a preseason game lol
  2. Tops Breakfast Pizza(if you know you know😋) Drinking Screwdrivers
  3. I noticed the same thing. It seems like a lot of guys are really finding their stride as the season is picking up. Just need to keep it going now
  4. Best wishes to Tre on a full recovery...he will be missed
  5. Wait there's rumors Swift is a lesbian? Is that really a thing? Not that there's anything wrong with that
  6. Heard some of Brown's calls from the game on WGR this morning...first thing I thought of his voice sounded like a screaming Gilbert Gottfried
  7. It was awesome! One of the all-time great games I've ever been to
  8. It was definitely louder yesterday than it was for the game they brought Guinness out there to measure it
  9. That game today was LOUD
  10. Team- I'm giving the whole team a gameball today including coaching staff. That was a total team effort all the way across the board 12th Man- The fans showed up today. Haven't heard the stadium that loud in a long time. It was an electric atmosphere
  11. Going to be grilling some Grouper Fish to use for Fish Tacos during tailgating today, and some Shrimp skewers for the side dish Squish The Fish!!!
  12. I agree that's why I shared this story, like I mentioned earlier in this thread I have respect for how this guy owned up to his mistake and returned it
  13. I had parted ways with that stolen mag many years ago but then I came across the same issue at one of those flea market/antique stores in the Eastern Hills mall a few years ago and bought it for the Nostalgia of the whole situation...but I'd also like to think by buying a copy I made amends for my sin all those years later
  14. This game is right behind the 2003 and 2011 Patriots games for best games during the drought era.
  15. When I was like 12 or 13 I stole a Pam Anderson Playboy from a bookstore...I wasn't a bad kid for the most part and that was probably one of the first things I did in life that I shouldn't have and I had a guilty conscious about the stealing part for awhile The thing is I wasn't trying to be cool or a badass, I just wanted to see Boobs!
  16. I have respect for him owning up to it and returning it...I'm not saying it's right but being in your 20s and Alcohol leads to a lot of Jackass behavior. I'm guilty of doing things at that stage I wish I could take back
  17. https://buffalonews.com/footballs-return-a-gift-for-family/article_4b164674-8bd1-52a8-a1cb-c158b8ce300e.html
  18. I still watch the games and NFL Primetime but other than that I barely watch any other football coverage shows these days. They really have gotten that bad and I think I'm just getting older and don't give as much of a S*** anymore 🤷‍♂️
  19. When he gave his first press conference and was talking about biting kneecaps I had him pegged as Rex Ryan 2.0 but he has proven me wrong. I am rooting for this Lions team on the side
  20. The Lions were a super easy cover last night, surprised the line was only at -2
  21. I get it's going to depend on your timezone. I am local in WNY and have season tickets. Sometimes I don't get home until 2:30am for the night games and I am on a morning schedule. Those ones are brutal! But even beyond that, I just love 1pm Sunday games. There's nothing like waking up early in the morning and heading down to the stadium to start tailgating at 8am
  22. Detroit- San Fran would be a hell of an NFC Championship game....Would be a slugfest
  23. I don't know what to think of the situation and would need to know more accurate, behind the scenes details Looking at it initially I thought it seemed like a very petty move on Takeo Spikes part and in the grand scheme he really isn't that much of a legend here But after reading the article it seems like there is a bigger picture story going on and some issues between the organization and alumni and Spikes was "taking one for the team" by going public with this; the article says there are other more prominent alumni who have issues with how they are treated but they can't really go public with their complaints. Once again, hard to form a true opinion without knowing the entire situation behind closed doors
  24. It's nice to have a relevant team again but I hate all of these late starts....1pm Sunday is the best time slot for Bills football
  25. Was just telling my buddy the other day the Bears feel like the new Bills
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