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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Sad news. 52 is way too young. Frank Wycheck will always have a connection to Bills history. RIP
  2. You know this whole thing is a complete mess when people are praising the work of Jerry Sullivan 🤣
  3. I was out in Buffalo last night at Hofbraus House and checking out the Christmas Markets and ran into a TON of Montreal fans. I had a chance to talk to a decent amount of them and none of the ones I talked to were from Montreal but other places in Ontario within a 2-4 hour drive.
  4. They've been around for awhile. The Place in Buffalo has been serving them since the 1940's but like a lot of things the popularity seems to have really evolved over the years. I would say even just within the last 5 or so years I have noticed a big jump in attention they get during the Holiday season....newspaper articles, segments on the local news channels, articles on social media etc... Ironically I actually stopped at the Place and had one last night. Had no clue that was the plan when I made this post yesterday but hung out with Family last night checking out the Christmas Markets in Buffalo and somebody suggested going and grabbing a T&J afterwards. It's not Christmas season in Buffalo until you've had ☺️
  5. Yes this is my all-time favorite Robin Williams bit!
  6. We've gotta get Floyd some Spiderman Under Armour...he's worthy
  7. Tons of places in Buffalo serve them. The funny thing is it seems to only be a thing in the city of Buffalo. I've never seen any establishment in the suburbs of Buffalo serve them
  8. https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/buffalo/its-the-holidays-in-a-cup-the-history-of-the-tom-and-jerry-at-the-place-in-buffalo Is this just a Buffalo thing or does any other region in the United States make these things during the Holidays? It's a delicious beverage 😋
  9. I agree the golf ball rollback for the amateur level is stupid But this has also been a fun thread to read through and Golf is the King of sports that have stupid rules...and this is coming from somebody who loves to play the game Reminds me of the time I was playing in a tournament and consumed a pot brownie. Once that thing kicked in and your thoughts start going to that next dimension I spent the entire afternoon just observing every little thing that was going on out there and couldn't help but crack up and think to myself that this is the SILLIEST game ever created! I still think of that sometimes when I'm just out there playing a regular round with friends. Once again I love to play the game but man there are some rules in golf that make you shake your head
  10. Watched the first episode of that new show Bookie on HBO Max. I like it so far, some funny moments but it's def more on the darker and grittier side. Interesting first episode and I'm curious to see what direction the rest of the season goes.
  11. https://omny.fm/shows/the-shredd-ragan-show-daily-podcast/shredd-ragan-podcast-friday-tyler-dunne-on-the-buf Here's the link for anybody interested
  12. The drama of this season has felt like PEAK Bills drought era level...I didn't have the Bills winning the Super Bowl this year but Yikes I didn't see things unraveling like this
  13. Tyler Dunne was on the Shred and Ragan show this morning to discuss this piece and offered some more insights as well. It was an interesting listen and I would assume will probably be available to listen to as a podcast on the 97 Rock website at some point by today. He also talked about how although they don't hate each other there is definitely a huge disconnect between McDermott and Allen but also said Josh just doesn't have the personality to vocally call McDermott out but there are other guys in the Bills locker room that have told him he should. For what it's worth after Dunne hung up, Ragan mentioned he has a contact inside the organization that he reached out to after the piece was written to get his thoughts on if the portrayal was accurate to which his contact replied "Dead Center Accurate"
  14. Yes that playoff drought is an NHL record literally 😭
  15. You could start following the Sabres on the side...Wait a Minute....*****!!!
  16. Really looking forward to giving up my season tickets soon and never spending a hard earned dime on anything NFL related again. I'll still watch the Bills games but I am done supporting the NFL financially. Greedy M'Fer's!
  17. Anybody else find the humor in the irony of Okposo using "Started from the bottom now we're here" as his goal song this year?
  18. Wow that's a name I haven't heard in 20 some years! He was a good football player, I was a big fan of that Packers team that won the Super Bowl in 96
  19. Listened to this at work today. Was a good, hold nothing back listen that you won't hear on WGR550.
  20. I dunno. While I agree with the premise Joe Brady taking over OC duties from Dorsey has given the Offense a nice shot in the arm, there's just nothing about the overall performance of this team and this mainly includes McDermott's coaching blunders that makes me think this 2023 Buffalo Bills team is capable of running off 5 straight wins regardless of who the opponents are. We are talking about a team that has losses to the Jets, Broncos, Patriots and just as easily could've included a loss to the Giants on their season resume. I appreciate your optimism and think the Bills are capable of being competitive down this stretch but it just feels like a little too less and a little too late for this to happen in my opinion. Also the major component you aren't accounting for in your original post is for whatever reason this has been McDermott's worst coaching season of his career. He just continues to S*** himself in the most crucial moments. But with that said I hope you're correct and I'm the one who is wrong.
  21. Better Off Dead and Hot Tub Time Machine are two fun choices I wouldn't have thought of
  22. Felt like the equivalent to a WWF manager interrfering in a match
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