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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Well that game was definitely worth staying up for wow. It's amazing what this team looks like when they play with some effort. Cozens, Benson, and Levi all played fantastic. Nice game from Tuch and Mitts as well.
  2. Much more entertaining game than I was expecting. Cozens best game of this season by far and Levi has made a lot of huge saves. Nice to see Krebsy getting after Eichel even though didn't look like a dirty hit, would be nice if the Sabres can get pull off a Win.
  3. Anybody tuning into the Sabres game tonight? It's Friday night I don't have anything going on and don't have to be up in the morning for anything so I'm debating watching it but I feel like it's just going to piss me off lol...might be better off putting on a Christmas movie or something
  4. Knowing our luck the two teams playing in it would probably be New England and Dallas
  5. Agreed. I think they are incompetent...which is a completely different issue to talk about...but I don't think they are purposely trying to swing games. We also live in a society right now that has never been more obsessed with conspiracy theories and cover-ups so I'm not surprised so many people think that way.
  6. I met John Murphy at one of his book signings recently. He was in good spirits but sadly did not look like anything close to returning. The damage the stroke did really showed. Didn't recognize him at first with all of the weight he lost and his speech is still very slow. Best wishes go out to him and Kim Pegula as well.
  7. I love the Bills...and I love Buffalo....but the people that keep dreaming there's any remote possibility of Buffalo hosting a Super Bowl are completely out of touch with the reality of the modern NFL
  8. The inconsistency of this team is infuriating! It's not like we don't have any talent but there are too many games they come out completely flat. Every once in awhile they get a shot of juice through the veins and they look like a completely different team playing a completely different brand of hockey but I don't understand why it's so hard for them to maintain that level of play.
  9. That's fair. I believe that comment was somewhere around 2010-2012?
  10. There's many reasons that Buffalo would never host a Super Bowl but from the Hotel aspect they are talking about Luxury hotels. The NFL isn't going to shack up the high rollers that attend the Super Bowl at the Red Carpet Inn in Orchard Park. Just ask Tom Brady's Dad about this.
  11. I was exhausted last night and went to bed super early...looks like I made the right decision. Woof
  12. This is my favorite Ornament I have on my tree https://mymancavestore.com/buffalo-bills-chalkboard-sign-ornament/
  13. I have a couple Bills ornaments on my Tree and just ordered this https://www.fanatics.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/buffalo-bills-8-light-up-ceramic-led-christmas-tree/o-3527+t-25371356+p-50584898308+z-9-55793792?_ref=p-SRP:m-GRID:i-r0c0:po-0
  14. We are going with a Chili at our tailgate this week
  15. About time we get a new 30 for 30! Hope this is as good as the Barry Sanders Documentary was
  17. I went to bed immediately after the game last night because I have to get up early for work but this is exactly how I felt too. Glad to see everybody else is on the same page too. I'm back
  18. Isn't Tyler Dunne a Green Bay Packers fan?
  19. I believe he is a Green Bay fan...but he has gone after them in the past too so not sure how much of a difference that matters. Dunne lives in WNY though
  20. That's awesome dude glad you and your son had a great time! I went to Arrowhead in 2015 and really enjoyed it as well. I think Arrowhead and Lambeau are tied for being my favorite NFL stadiums I've been to. I had a similar experience about the crowd not being as loud as I was expecting but the game we went to the weather was pretty crappy and it was Thanksgiving weekend so the locals told us it's usually a bit better than it was.
  21. That's my problem with all of the Chiefs b****ing after that game. Now they have created a false narrative that the National Media is going to run with that they were screwed out of winning that game.
  22. They Out-Billsed the Bills this week. It was great to be on the other end of one of these for once!
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