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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. That would be a fantastic Round 2 pick
  2. Interesting they are moving to New Year's Eve instead of New Year's Day now
  3. It was not social media
  4. I'm glad this is over
  5. It probably keeps them young. Would be an amazing way to make a living
  6. Of course it's a parody account
  7. Not sure if true or not. I was guessing 50 yard line seats would be at $10K for a PSL but this wouldn't surprise me
  8. Seinfeld knocked this out of the park
  9. That has to be an insane life memory. Have you ever watched the 30 for 30 on that night? Thought they did a good job bringing all those things together. That will always be an Infamous day in American history.
  10. If that's the case I've been mentally retired for a long time even though I'm nowhere close to actual retirement I will miss Jordan Phillips the personality, but don't think we will miss too much from Jordan Phillips the player
  11. Had an old friend I used to work with back in 2005-2008ish reach out to me about something. We exchange a few messages back and forth and then start talking about how neither one of us are in touch with anybody from the old job anymore(at the time a lot of us hung out together outside of work; happy hours and going out to watch Sabres games were a HUGE deal back then, overall fun memories that feel like forever ago) my buddy says something about how it's so hard to believe it's been that long ago now since we all worked there. I responded with it's been so long that the freaking Sabres were actually good back then and he responded with a LOL and how that really explains how much time has passed. Just wanted to share on here because if you measure how long ago other things were in your life by using the Sabres being relevant it's a pretty shocking Wow moment 🤣
  12. I was pretty young back then but I think it was more complicated than that. It has always been my understanding that at the time most people thought the Bills run back then was over at that point. They had just been embarrassed by Houston in a rough loss at the end of the regular season and were going to be without Kelly, Thurman, and Cornelius Bennett. It sounds bad now as they would go on to two more Super Bowls and nobody knew what history was about to happen in that game but going into the game there was a general feeling the "window was closed"
  13. It just makes me like him even more
  14. I highly recommend people give this Documentary a full watch and then come back and give your opinions on what a great guy OJ was
  15. Nothing surprises me anymore
  16. Even if he was pretending to be innocent he sure was able to show so much compassion for the situation
  17. This is such a joke of an argument. I think there's a lot of people in here who never watched the OJ Simpson Made in America documentary which was well done. He just simply was not a good person. He was not only a sociopath but a huge NARCISSIST who was good at tricking people into thinking he was a decent guy. To me the fact that all of his old inner circle from back in the day walked away from the guy is most telling. They would know better than any of us. I get he was a great football player I really do but I think sadly some fans really seem to struggle letting go of those feelings of him being a great ball player.
  18. This take I agree with, in a later post I clarified I was strictly referring to the posts where their only comment was either celebrating or mourning the guy. Many people had posts acknowledging their fond memories of OJ the football player while also mentioning it is tough celebrating him as a human being which is more than fair. But when finding out the news that OJ passed away and your first and only comment is Oh wow he ran for 2000 yards in a season it's kind of a joke IMO
  19. My mistake then lol, I honestly don't remember that but not surprised
  20. I could care less about the guy, just find it sad people idolize the guy regardless of his football accomplishments
  21. I can understand your post and others who admit they have conflicted feelings over the situation and especially those who grew up as OJ as their hero. That is a complicated position to be in. My original post was directed at those who are only celebrating or mourning OJ in their post.
  22. I watched the 8 Hour 30 for 30 series on him that opened up more than enough of his personal life to see what kind of human being is. A documentary which featured many of his real life close friends stopped talking to him in real life. Your delusional to defend this guy.
  23. By that logic I don't ever wanna see another thread on here complaining about Tyreek Hill or Ray Rice or whoever ever again. OJ was by far the biggest POS human being out of all of them. A real sociopath. I don't care how talented he was. The hypocrisy of football fans sure is something at times
  24. POS Human being. I can't believe there are people celebrating his football accomplishments in here
  25. I just got an email from my Season Ticket Rep on whether I wanted strictly electronic tickets or the Season Ticket Debit Card they offer as an option. I always elect for the Season Ticket card but there's a caveat this year where if you select that option(first time this is a thing) there is a $15 charge that comes with it. I mean $15 is whatever but yet again there's a principal involved here where they are continuing to find every way possible to squeeze more money out of the fans. Guess they still aren't happy enough with all the extra $$$$$ they are making from these PSL's🤣🤣 I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am glad my time of being a ticket holder is coming to an end soon
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