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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Charleston is an awesome city! Try to make it to Folly Beach if you have time
  2. That's how I felt last year and the Sabres made me eat crow ...from here on out I'll need to see it before I believe it
  3. LETS GO JESS!!!
  4. When is her next match?
  5. Horrible tragedy 😥 RIP to both of them
  6. Sad to hear about this I remember watching Psycho Sid back in my wrasslin days RIP
  7. I have a draft tomorrow night and it's on my radar but it's a local league and as others have mentioned Bills players tend to get drafted higher than their typical ADP
  8. From the perspective of a young kid in their early 20s about to become a Millionaire def either New Orleans, Vegas, or Tennessee for this reason
  9. This is going to be my first year playing again in at least 3 or 4 seasons. A little nervous my entry fee is going to be a league donation this year lol.
  10. I agree with the OP but I try to go to the theatres once a year for the experience of it, usually in the Summertime. This year I saw the new Bad Boys movie. It was kinda fun but a way over the top action movie. I really liked the new Beverly Hills Cop movie. I wish that one would have been a theater release instead of straight to Netflix. The last truly great newish movie IMO was Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but even that came out 5 years ago now.
  11. It will always be a WNY staple..no doubt about that
  12. Those were the John Madden ads correct?
  13. As an adult No but I was big on Nike as a kid because of MJ and then Tiger
  14. That's actually a great observation but I was more of a Jim's Steakout guy at 4am haha...I mean I def made some late night Mighty runs back in my day but my earliest memories of MT was going as a kid after my brother's baseball games and back then we thought the food tasted amazing Could be a lack of culinary experience back in those days but I really wouldn't be surprised if they have skimped out or changed up some ingredients over the years. Does not taste the same as I remember it.
  15. Glad to see it's not just me who thinks it sucks now... But you guys remember it being good in the 90s and early 2000s though right!?
  16. In As always thank you for setting this up
  17. So first off I rarely ever eat it these days but every once in awhile when there's nothing to eat at the house I'll do a quick Mighty run. It definitely does not hit the same as it did 20 years ago but the question is.....Did they actually change up their ingredients/recipes at some point or is it just a matter of taste buds changing over time? As a kid Mighty absolutely slapped! But now it's just meh I feel like there's gotta be somebody on the board who has a relative or something that worked at Mighty Taco and has the inside info on this
  18. Awesome topic OP! NBA Jam NHL 94 Original Madden Wayne Gretzky's NHL game on the N64 Fight Night
  19. Does anybody remember that documentary Almost a Dynasty from like 2005 or 2006ish? I had a copy back then but lost it a long time ago and now I can't find a new one anywhere. That's one I would love to go back and see.
  20. I'm in Thanks OP!
  21. Ehh I'll disagree with you there. I think there are a lot of people who are genuinely disappointed with where the modern NFL has evolved to. It's not the same hobby as it was 20 years ago
  22. Were they bought out by the Bills? I know some groups in the La Galleria lot and have been there for years, I wonder if they will look for a new spot now
  23. Modern era Zach Thomas? I'm def rooting for this kid to make the squad
  24. Need Rousseau to look like he did the other night in Pittsburgh on a consistent basis
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