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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Am I the only person who thinks BWW sucks? First off, now granted I haven't had alot of their food but their wings suck! Its depressing to know a franchise with Buffalo and Wings in its name has such crappy wings. As far as a place to drink at or watch a game its just lame. Doesn't have that authentic WNY watering-hole feel to it. It just seems to commericialized and family-oriented(I have no complaints about it as a place to take the wife and kids out to) but one of my friend's asked me if I wanted to watch the game there this weekend, I politely declined its just not my kind of bar.
  2. Yeah go somewhere else
  3. Lol I agree with you on the Reservoir Dogs scene, that one always hits home with me everytime I hear it on the radio or somewhere because I'll never forget the first time I saw that movie/scene. It was me and a few of my buddies at my friend's apartment and we just got done having a nice bong session and put that movie on while we were stoned out of our minds and once that scene came on I still remember it to this day, my one friend gets up goes "!@#$ it, I'm too high for this Im going to bed" LOL might not sound too funny to you guys but its one of those personal memories for me And then we always used to watch Dazed and Confused when we we would get high, and the opening montage with Aerosmith's sweet emotions always comes back to me everytime I hear that song. Those were some great times that I'll always remember and miss
  4. I'm sure the majority of us had similar experiences during our college and roaring 20's years, lots of drinking, hanging out in bars, chasing women, getting stoned, etc. but I was just curious and wanted to see at what age did you grow out of that lifestyle and slow down? I'm sure everybody is gonna be different because usually it has to do with outside factors like having a child or getting a serious job but I'd like to hear people discuss when they started to change and what were the factors that caused it.
  5. That was very entertaining, thanks for sharing I got quite a few quality chuckles out of it
  6. I heard he took them to see a special directors cut, Dude wheres my offense
  7. Is this a serious question?
  8. Thats so like totally 1990's, whateverrr
  9. It is what it is, is actually a great saying IMO.
  10. Big Props to Trent and Lee as I could see them from where I was sitting in the upper deck being bombarded by autograph seekers and they were signing stuff the whole night while I'm sure that was the last thing they wanted to do.
  11. Another stupid question, is this Bills Backers bar Loby's and Kenny's tailgate within the same general area? Will I be able to park my car nearby the tailgate and then walk to the Hall of Fame and/or the bar? Just trying to be smart when thinking about the driving and alcohol situation..any feedback would be appreciated thanks.
  12. I'll be there, I'm going to try to make it to the tailgate on saturday but I'm definately pumped for this one, BRRUUUUUUCCCEEEEEEE
  13. This is a great thread, Good Times
  14. Anyone saying The Biscuit doesn't belong up there must not have watched the Bills during the Super Bowl runs because he was fantastic during those years. He is the most underrated player from those teams, its funny how everybody talks about the Big 4(Kelly, Thurman, Andre and Bruce) but back then he was always mentioned with them by the media. I have a bunch of old Bills games on DVD and I even remember talking to another guy on here probably a couple years ago who was saying the exact same thing- after watching some of the old games he completely forgot how awesome Bennett was. He had this one game against Philly back in 87 where he had 16 tackles, 4 sacks, and 3 forced fumbles! Thats rediculous. People also forget he could hit people like a semi-truck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJfsX2nxoLQ
  15. Definately Hansen, but I will never forget that amazing hit Seals put on hostetler in Super Bowl 25
  16. Beverly Hills Ninja, only Chris Farley could make a movie like that good
  17. Thats shocking! Way too young to go. Arturo Gatti was without a doubt one of the most entertaining fighters I've ever had the pleasure to watch.
  18. I'll be there One of the many exciting events Buffalo has to offer in the summertime, newcomer to the festival this year is Dinosaur B-B-Q based out of Rochester and Syracuse. I've heard good things about them I'm looking forward to checking that out
  19. This thread right here is evidence of just how much damage Brett Favre has done to his reputation with all the shenanigans over the past few years, when he has only been mentioned once when talking about Tough Qb's. If this was 3 years ago, he would be on everybodies list
  20. This is very sad, I was always entertained by any of his fights that I watched especially the classic battle with Pryor. RIP
  21. The only titles I can truly claim as my teams are the 2003 Syracuse Bball National Championship and the 6 titles the Chicago Bulls won in the 90's
  22. Taste of Buffalo makes for a nice daytime date
  23. I wouldn't say Tyson is overrated, just a guy that didn't live up to his full potential which is sad but thats another topic in itself.
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