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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Where do i sign up to be a syracuse mascot??
  2. I voted for choice two but I still love the Sabres alot too.
  3. This thread was inspired by the Pittsburgh one, I've never been to the Burgh but I have visited Cleveland many times and really have a warm spot for that city. It reminds me so much of Buffalo but everything is just a little bit nicer and has more of a "big-city" feel. Have always been treated great by the locals there, have been to many great restaurants, toured the city, been on a great boat ride on Lake Erie, toured Jacobs field and many other cool things. For any WNYer's who never have been there before I highly recommend making a trek over there because its so close to home and fairly cheap. Anybody else enjoy Cleveland as much as I do?
  4. I couldn't imagine being in NYC for the St. Patty's day Parade, things get crazy enough in Buffalo for their parade...which I will be attending sunday
  5. I think one of the biggest reasons why they hated each other was because of how competitive they were, they both wanted to be the #1 guy no questions asked but they always had to deal with the other guy being there as well. In the piece they both talked about how they always paid attention to what the other one did and how it motivated their performance's. I mean sure nowadays you have your Ovechkin v.s. Crosby and your Lebron v.s. Kobe but these are not even close to the intensity of the Bird & Magic rivalry.
  6. Its hard to explain unless you watched the games back then but in that era the NBA had more of a football/hockey style to its game. It was much more physical and aggressive and nobody represented that more than Larry Bird. Ironically on ESPN classic today they were playing game 7 of the Lakers/Celtics final from 84. I was busy today so I didn't watch the whole thing but I watched it briefly and it was really good stuff...highly competitive, both teams leaving everything they had on the court and those two teams had a special hatred but respect for each other. The closest thing to it I've seen in more recent times was the Avs-Red Wings rivalry in the NHL and even that was quite awhile ago now. Man I miss the good old days
  7. I caught the full documentary on HBO last night, it was an excellent piece of work. Besides Magic and Bird fans, I would also recommend it for any diehard basketball fans, people who are into sports history or rivalries, and pretty much any big sports fan in general. I really wish we had competitive rivalries on this level nowadays but this one will always be one of a kind.
  8. No matter how much I keep getting older, high school girls stay the same age
  9. Can't believe nobody has mentioned hiring Bobby April, special teams were def one of our strong points this century
  10. Dumb and Dumber, I just have to it became some kind of tradition of mine over the years if that movie was on to watch it
  11. I was just watching the episode where Cartman pretends to have tourette's syndrome last night and dying. That episode is hilarious, what an amazing show
  12. Its not that I enjoy living in the past, its just that with how terrible the Bills are currently I can't enjoy living in the present either
  13. I could see why the Canes still hate us, I was there for Game 5 back in 2006 and it really was a crazy atmosphere. Buffalo fans were loud and proud(and for the most part heavily intoxicated), you could just see the resentment in the Carolina fans eyes. Its hard to explain unless you were really there, but you could just sense the hatred they had for us. From a Sabre's fans perspective it might have been the best sporting atmosphere I've ever personally been at.
  14. I think you hit the nail on the head with personality, Ruben was a really cool dude, great for the community and was also a link to the glory years teams and I think he is definitely loved by Bills fans. Which he should be, I loved Ruben. He would be a great guy to have a few drinks with at the bar, but I think that also overrates his on-field performance sometime. Don't get me wrong he was a very good lineman, but not on the level that alot of people put him on.
  15. I trust the panel enough where I feel they know that Pro Bowl's are nothing but a popularity contest in the modern era NFL so I don't think that will have too big of an impact.
  16. His highest pinnacle should be Wall of Fame
  17. Damn it sounds like your into the bigtime events, one thing you should consider hitting up is one of the crazy boat parties. I was just watching Party Heat on TruTv the other night and they have a massive boat party in South Beach called Aquapolooza or Lake Havasu gets pretty wild.
  18. Seeing as I'm going to Las Vegas soon I just wanted to see what everybodie's best party vacation was...
  19. He used to really beat the **** outta his drums, he was awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_fwcFjzyik
  20. I've gotta start out with Bonzo
  21. I'm not basing this off C.S.I. and tv shows like that, in fact I hate those kinda shows because they are so far-fetched and unrealistic, but I do watch a lot of Forensic Files and the real shows that are on Tru Tv and it seems very exciting and it would be a career with a real purpose
  22. Work on a crime scene investigation team, always been a dream job of mine
  23. Someday thats gonna be the look like the inside of Pearl St. Grill and Brewery only its gonna be 50 times crazier...I get chills just thinking about it
  24. Although he was never praised for his singing I always thought Jimi Hendrix's singing ability was underrated , probably because it was overshadowed by his guitar playing but there was just something really soulful listening to Jimi sing
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