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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. once the Monday night game sucks. I'm so bored, come on jets try to make this a game at least!
  2. I cringed as I watched that happen. I was very happy when he did get up afterwards. Steelers-Ravens games have been brutal the last few years. Great football though
  3. Just got our tickets to the Bears game...has anyone tailgated at Solider Field before? From what I am seeing so far it looks like we might need to get a parking permit to tailgate there? I hope not because the bears tickets were very pricey. Also are Chicago folks as accomodating as Bills fans because we will obviously not be bringing a grill or anything with us but if we brought a 30 pack to the game to share with some fans would we would be able to score some grub? I would like to think there are people like that out there, I know me and my group did our fair share of things like that when we had season tickets.
  4. My and my buddy are finally stepping up to the plate and doing something we have been talking about for years. I am finally going to make the trek and catch my favorite Basketball team in live action, the Chicago Bulls. We are looking into going down there the weekend of DEC. 10-13 and are looking into either catching the Bulls-Lakers or Bulls-Timberwolves game. Preferebly we would like to see the Lakers game but I'm sure tickets are going to be through the roof for that one. The bears are home against the patriots* that weekend and we are looking into tickets for that game as well. So here I am turning to my messageboard buddies for any and all Chicago related advice, reccomendations, tips, ticket connections, good places to drink or go out to eat, feedback on the Soldier Field tailgating scene, etc
  5. It disgusts me when anybody mentions Lebron James in the same breath as Michael Jordan...Jordan was all heart and soul and for as big of an icon as he was he knew how to present himself professionally as well.
  6. I just bought the Droid x a few days ago and I love it! There's so many cool things you can do with it and it takes a really good phone picture
  7. Its absolutely not just me, I had this conversation with a bunch of people in my age range at work today and everybody is on the same page. Saw alot of similar comments made by people I know on facebook yesterday. That is great that it is still going strong in your area, but the same cannot be said around here.
  8. That's awesome parenting and the way it should be. I promise you the kids will remember and get more out of that experience with each other than whatever is going on at school first thing Monday morning. Even though it is forever ago, I still remember going trick or treating with my little brother and it is great memories to this day that I will always cherish. We used to go hardcore and hit all the houses in my parents neighborhood and then they would take us to both grandparent's neighborhoods, we would have bags and bags of candy and sometimes it was just fun to brag about who got the best candy or who had the most. I have also started to notice over the past few years that trick or treating is nothing compared to what it used to be. It makes me feel bad for the younger generation because they are growing up in such a watered down era where they are missing out on alot of fun times that they will never have the pleasure to look back on someday.
  9. Yup Same here
  10. The NFL is 50 times more strict than it was back in the 80s and early 90s...they don't even let players do endzone celebrations anymore let alone want a bunch of drunken Buffalo fans storming the field! Sadly I think that tradition is long over with, back in 2004 when the Bills had a shot at the playoffs against Pittsburgh in the last game of the season there was a **** ton of security on hand and I think they were prepared for that very scenario.
  11. There is a difference betweeen terrible teams and terrible organizations however.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzjGEgXEA7U&feature=related
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4K42NnALaM&feature=related
  14. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGYhsX_zH6U
  15. I used to feel the same way but with just how pathetic the Bills are this year I don't even mind. I'm actually looking forward to watching some decent football games today for a change.
  16. Just wondering because I probably played my last round of the season today(such a beautiful fall day) and was pretty bummed out because I finally had a summer where I made the time to play a decent amount. I probably got out and played about 15 times this year which for me is really good but I know some guys that play religiously. Just wondering where the golfers on here stand...
  17. Man the Wonder Years is great! Whenever I get back into following the series(and I'm not just talking one episode here and there) it brings back so many memories from my own childhood and touches on tons of things I could relate to at one point or another in my life. The best nostalgic show of all-time!
  18. We wouldn't get anything good for him, he was once a great player but he is past his prime now. I hope we draft a defensive tackle this year
  19. I remember the day we traded up to draft McCargo like it was yesterday...I thought for sure we were going to take Nick Mangold I haven't given the Bills front office the benefit of the doubt on draft day ever since.
  20. Damn after reading all of these posts I'm starting to feel a little jealous that I've never been to this Elbow Room place.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFcXQYWWVao
  22. Why would anybody want to see those losers?
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiuCSnuvh3Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gte5RPziaIU&feature=fvw'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gte5RPziaIU&feature=fvw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gte5RPziaIU&feature=fvw
  24. You definitely have to get your picture taken next to the Michael Jordan statue outside of the United Center
  25. "There's no I in team, but there is in WIN"-Michael Jordan
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